Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Excuse me while I experiment with my YouTube account.
Not only is Blue Man Group great, but global warming is a real and serious problem.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Feds: Man planned to blow up Ill. mall
This story is so odd. As a former resident of the Chicago area I'm familiar with Rockford.
It's one of the last places in the world anybody would want to blow up a mall.
In California terms it would be similar to blowing up a mall in say, Fresno, or Riverside...
Why would anybody bother with Fresno, Riverside - or Rockford?
The only thing I can figure is that the wannabe jihadist lived in the area. The Rockford mall was handy for him.
BTW, Rockford is far from being a hotbed for any kind of radicals of any sort, as I remember it. Republican, conservative, almost rural...
Strange story. Creepy story. Why concern ourselves with what's going on in Iraq when we've got terrorists right here at our own local non-descript (Rockford!) shopping malls.
Good thing there was a tipster and the Feds were on it. This is Homeland Security doing its job.
Monday, November 20, 2006
News Corp. cancels O.J. Simpson book and special
I've simply seen and heard too much of this guy, and I don't want to see/hear anything more about him again (well, except maybe a confession...?).
Friday, November 10, 2006
Students at Calif college ban Pledge of Allegiance
I can speak with some authority on this, as this college mentioned - Orange Coast College - is a part of the Coast Community College District, which employed me, and which all my children and myself attended. I've never been a part of Orange Coast College myself, although my son has attended that particular college for some of his courses.
It's just over in Costa Mesa. I've been there.
Since Orange County is, over-all, a rather conservative and Republican place, I would think that this incident is more college kids acting out than it is anything else. My guess is that 95% of the student body would not agree (and, generally, probably weren't even paying attention). It would rile the kids who are active conservatives. I can see some potential for conflict between the "No-Pledge kids" and the flag-waving types.
Welcome to O.C.
Speaking of student clashes, in recent times some Muslim and Jewish students have been clashing over at U.C. Irvine (University of California, Irvine campus). A tiny bit of the Middle East right here in O.C.? (Kinda weird, frankly. And, note, that overwhelmingly, O.C. is neither very Muslim nor very Jewish. Note, also, that The Crystal Cathedral is here, also the "Purpose-Driven Life" author/minister and his church. Go figure.) Again, college kids acting out?
Remember college campuses in the '60s?? (Of course, there was the draft then...)
An aside: Interesting election, eh?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The most, least dangerous U.S. cities
Where is your city on this list?
This list ranks 371 American cities from safest to least safe.
What's surprising is that the cities you'd expect to be more dangerous, aren't; and the cities you'd expect to be safer, aren't. It breaks up a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions, frankly.
For example, New York City at #145 is safer than Salt Lake City, Sioux Falls, Austin, Raleigh, San Diego, and San Francisco. BTW, Los Angeles comes in at #250.
Unfortunately, Chicago seems to not be listed (I was wondering how my old hometown fared), also New Orleans is not listed.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
GAO chief warns economic disaster looms
Really. That's not even an exaggeration.
Not the cheeriest news in the world, for sure.
But sometimes we have face unpleasant facts, then deal with them. It's about what really is, a.k.a our reality, and what we're going to do about it.
This GAO chief talks about reality, the reality all of us Americans are facing if we don't change our present course.
It's not pretty, it's not sexy, it's not cool, it's not fun.
His message is even full of numbers and rather dry reading. About as much fun as algebra was. And, when it sinks in, it's grim - stuff about our probable future you'd rather not hear or believe.
But, it makes perfect sense. I believe this guy. And, why not? He's the freaking accountant - essentially - for the United States! His long-term, appointed job is secure - he's not beholden to voters, bosses, or contributors. Unlike our politicians, he doesn't have to say what we want to hear, he can tell us what is. Truth. Reality. I'll add I've heard this guy present his message - same as in this article - on C-Span. It was some of the scariest TV I have ever watched. Note how C-Span will cover this guy - but will any commercial TV? Network? CNN? Even PBS? Heck no. It's not in their best interest, if you think about it ($$$ and political obligations).
Raise taxes? Nobody wants to hear about that. Not even Democrats.
Cut benefits and entitlements? Nobody wants to hear about that. Not even Republicans. And, especially not anyone in or approaching retirement. And what about the poor? The disabled?
This GAO chief also brings up those words we used to hear so often in the past, but not much any more:
The national debt (it's shocking and disturbing how much we owe China, as well as other countries)
The national deficit (worse than it's ever been)
Balanced budgets? A good thing for individuals, families - and our country.
(BTW, the average savings rate for Americans is a negative number. Common sense dictates that this cannot be a good thing and will eventually catch up with us.)
Basically, we need to get our financial house in order, which includes, ideally, not spending money we don't have. What a concept. And those who do have money, just may have to pay a bit more of it in taxes. Not unreasonable or unfair, really.
Also, winding down our involvement in Iraq would be one step in the right direction, IMHO.
So, we can clean up this mess - and we need to, starting ASAP. And, demand that this be a key issue in the 2008 election.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Latest SoCal Forest Fire
This is a troubling day, obviously. First off, our weather forecast was for the Santa Anas to come back for the next three days, complete with wind warnings and "red flag" warnings.
Then I woke up this morning with a headache - I could tell the weather had changed.
Now, 10K+ acres burned, property lost - and worst of all, several firefighters killed while trapped in their fire truck, overwhelmed by 100-foot flames. And, this fire may be the result of arson. (Which means that these firefighters were murdered, and suspected arsonist(s) will face murder charges as well as arson.)
Bless these heroic and selfless firefighters. And bless the ones working right now on this fire.
Pray for them, and pray that this fire doesn't spread to the San Bernardino National Forest nearby.
Here in Coastal Orange County - downwind from the fire - I can feel the particles in the air, it's hard to breathe, I'm coughing, and there's a strange, thick, low-lying, dark-gray cloud on my Eastern horizon (that would be toward Riverside County where the fire is located.). It'll be another day when we have a sunset on both the eastern and western horizons.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Orange County Man Rises in Al Qaeda Ranks - Los Angeles Times
Nothing like having a big shot in the Al Qaeda be from your own neighborhood...
Especially when your neighborhood is kind of a silly sunny place of surfers, hockey Ducks, baseball Angels, Mickey Mouse, Little Saigon, "The O.C.", The Crystal Cathedral... We have an airport we simply call "John Wayne"; Tiger Woods, as well as Steve Martin, is from here; celebrities/movie stars live in Newport and Laguna. A giant orange drops at midnight on our New Year's Eve. Our kids hang at "Knotts" and Disneyland. Or at the beach. We have a disportionate number of Olympic athletes, BTW.
Why turn to Al Qaeda?
Yeah, O.C. is about haves and have-nots. Yes, arguably, it's capitalism, as well as California, run amok. Yes, it leans to the right and is rather conservative. It's quite Christian - in both the best and worst ways. Home of the infamous "Minutemen." It's chock-full of illegal immigrants, BTW.
Orange County's a goofy, sunny (albeit smoggy) place.
But, I still don't get it. Not at all.
And, yes, the man's an American, which, considering his activity in Al Qaeda, makes him a traitor, I agree. He's an American who, sadly and unfortunately, has become an enemy of America.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Chavez says Bush 'alcoholic' and 'sick man'
I'm no Bush fan, but what's with this guy?
Yesterday, Chavez referred to Bush as the "diablo" (devil) in front of the whole U.N. Now this crap today.
Has the man ever heard of diplomacy? Obviously not.
He's even dissing the man right in his own country.
I have to wonder what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot and Bush talked like this about Chavez while visiting his country, Venezuela...
Reminds me of long ago when the angry Soviet Premier Khrushchev, while at the U.N., actually took his shoe off and started banging it on his desk for emphasis.
All very strange. All remarkably not diplomatic. These are not "class" acts, and not what you expect from world leaders.
U.S. Health-Care System Gets a "D"
Nothing surprising in this article, but it does confirm what I'vd suspected from my own experiences and observations.
We've got some good doctors and some good medicine, but our (the U.S.'s) health delivery system is pretty bad.
Worst of all, perhaps, are the many uninsured who can't afford health care, so they do without what they really need.
Our country can do better!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
House passes bill to make voters show ID
Why not?
From the article:
But Democrats assailed the legislation, saying it could hurt minorities,
the poor and the elderly — groups that tend to vote Democratic — who might have
trouble producing a photo identification.
Nonsense! My fellow Democrats embarrass me (they do a lot in recent years...). If one doesn't have a driver's license, one needs to get a photo I.D. It's not that hard to get, and it's needed for all kinds of things.
This article also discusses the border fence. Perhaps a good idea. Probably.
But, how to pay for it? Seriously - where will the money come from?
Something to consider also - what about our other border? This border-fencing is about homeland security, isn't it?
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tainted spinach traced to California
But, seriously, though - time to toss your bagged raw spinach into the trash. E Coli...!
This is not a California thing really - we just grow a heckuva lot of food and drink here.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger - WikiHow
This is rich. : )
Frankly, there are, if you stop to think about it, far too many blogs (also websites). No one has enough life, let alone inclination to read 99.9% of them.
For example, do I have any blogs I read on a daily basis? No. Weekly? No.
Okay, and where am I saying all this?! In a freakin' blog!
(We bloggers are impossible.)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Steve Irwin; Stingrays
About the stingrays... We've got stingrays here in California. I've even seen them - little ones that fishermen(persons?) have pulled up onto the local pier (along with baby sharks!).
The local T.V. news pointed out that Seal Beach has been called Ray Beach - because of its many stingrays.
In fact, we Californians, at least us in the South, have to keep stingrays in mind ourselves. As mentioned in the news in relation to Irwin's death, the stingrays can be found in the shallows so it's a good idea to shuffle your feet on the ocean bottom (making a bit of a commotion) so the stingrays will notice you and flee. Both you and the stingrays will be better off.
As mentioned in the news, stingrays are not usually considered dangerous. Most often they'll sting you on the feet or ankles and you'll hurt like heck, but you'll otherwise be all right. Irwin came across a big one which felt cornered and which stung Irwin in his heart (!), of all places. Yes, a freak accident.
BTW, wasn't Irwin planning to come out here to catch the infamous Reggie the alligator...?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Calif. to cap greenhouse gas emissions
Good for our state government. Sacramento's been doing a better job lately. My goodness, even got the state budget in on time, something atypical.
Good for Arnold. (He has been getting much better at being governor. Good thing for him, too, considering he wants to get re-elected this November.)
Good for everyone about this greenhouse emissions cap, really, considering how much crap California pumps into the atmosphere. (Let's be honest - it really does. It really, really does. Consider our notorious SoCal air quality, for just one thing.)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Data show one in eight Americans in poverty
This is troubling.
Especially the part about one in five children under the age of six now living in poverty.
Elsewhere in the article it's clear that the divide between the haves and the have-nots continues to grow.
On the positive side (the "haves" side of the story?), the American real median household income rose 1.1 % - now being over $46K
Monday, August 28, 2006
Bolsa Chica Wetlands and the Pacific Meet Again - Los Angeles Times
This is a huge deal.
The Bolsa Chica Wetlands are being returned to their natural state - joined to the ocean - for the first time in over 100 years.
God bless the Amigos of Bolsa Chica for their decades of hard effort. (They're proof of what can happen when you care and believe and don't give up!)
Monday, July 31, 2006, a Project of the Democratic Party
A sort of Action Center for the Democratic Party as part of its effort to win as many seats and offices as possible in the 2006 election.
As of today there are a remaining 99 days - and 99 daily actions - you can take toward a bigger Democratic win in November.
(Go, Phil Angelides! Yes, I have Angelies merchandise - find the beginnings in my "NEW NEW NEW" section and soon in the California section of my Music Stuff & More store. Look for more political and Democratic merch to come - after all, it's an election year!)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
California heat wave subsides, ocean air moves in
I'll verify that - I can feel those ocean breezes blowing in my windows as I write.
Bugging my sinuses to be sure (as usual), but not so hot - thank God.
I actually can even get some work done around here - chores, business (!), and the like.
And, I don't have the need to escape to movie theaters, restaurants, the Mall, the library, Barnes & Noble (that didn't work - everybody else had the same idea, causing a serious lack of seating even on a weekday). Driving around was even an escape from the heat (the car's AC) - a little hard on the gasoline bill, however.
Best escape was the movies at the discount movie theater, God bless 'em!
I know far too much about the movies of the Summer of 2006 (and saw "Da Vinci Code" twice).
I really hope that heat doesn't return - that the rest of the Summer is normal. Truly SoCal has been in something of a survival mode lately. Remember, we folks - even the wealthy - within several miles of the coast don't usually have AC. We don't normally need it.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Global Warming on Trial - Los Angeles Times
Good news.
The U. S. Supreme Court will hear a lawsuit brought by California and other states against the federal government for failing to reduce CO2 emissions. (Derelection of duty it sounds to me, on the part of the Bush Admin. What else is new?)
The important thing is that this is movement in the direction of this country doing something about global warming. About time!
California could see blackouts without conservation'>California ISO - the people who control our electricity - have announced a Stage 1 Alert (we are in the red zone on the CAL-ISO's Conserve-O-Meter). (This ISO link keeps timing out, BTW - probably too many people checking our power status.)
Today's yet another (excessively) SUNNY day in Southern California.
And, considering the above power alert, and, even more importantly, that my apartment is rapidly becoming too hot to be in, I'm about to be outta here. Barnes & Noble with its AC sounds appealing... (Hard to get my online business done - it's time for me to get AC in my Office, or at least a laptop.)
BTW, restaurants and movie theaters were packed this weekend. We were all seeking AC!
Strange weather here. At least it's supposed to be improving as the week goes on.
Ready for any possible black-outs (Batteries, flashlights, etc.) ?
Keep cool!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
California ISO: System Status {Critical]
Note that the Conserve-O-Meter is up to "Critical" (orange).
Now how to keep cool? Interesting. Water?!
Beware of power black-outs. Note that we had several in the area yesterday, the hottest day in SoCal ever.
KEEP COOL - and be careful, it's dangerously hot, as you may have noticed. Hydrate, for chrissake.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Rising temperatures extend record year: govt
It sure keeps being freaking hot and humid here in SoCal. We started our hot and humid at least a month early - and just keep going.
And when it gets hot here, the ozone goes *way up* - always fun.
Maybe worst of all, at the coast (where I am) most people don't have AC. Never really needed it before - didn't get that hot.
We need it now.
It's time I got an air conditioner for this apartment. Can't do better than window AC, since this is an apartment. It's not as if I can install central air into it.
Okay, so when are we going to do something about this blasted global warming?!
Yes, I know that most places are too hot this Summer - I am most certainly not alone. Many, many are sharing my discomfort (discomfort - too mild of a word?).
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy? Let's Sum It Up - Los Angeles Times
This being the time of Americans celebrating our Independence, a closer look at "the pursuit of Happiness" is especially appropriate.
Guess what? It's not always about money and having more. But you knew that.
Abraham Lincoln once observed that people are about as happy as they choose to be.
So true.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Buffett says wealth giveaway has been a long time coming
Hey, Warren's funny.
This is good news - in the vein of Bill Gates' big announcement the other day.
When asked by Melinda Gates whether her husband had dropped hints to Buffett about making a gift to the Gates foundation, Buffett said that he and Gates have been in discussions about teaming up for philanthropy for about 10 years. [BTW, Gates and Buffet are bridge buddies, as well as good long-time friends. I'd like to be the fly on the wall for some of their conversations...]Is this a new breed of Capitalist? Wow. I hope this is contagious.Buffett called the decision "logical," saying he wanted to allocate his wealth to people he feels can do a better job of dispersing it than he can. He said he was impressed with the Gates' enthusiasm for the foundation and how the organization is run.
"I want people that are turned on about what they're doing. It just shouts at me, the enthusiasm that you people have for what you're doing," Buffett told the Gates. "You can't order $10 million worth of enthusiasm."
Friday, June 16, 2006
Gates charity move spotlights giving while living
This is great news, and it's going be interesting to watch.
Good for Bill!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
US emergency rooms in crisis, reports find
Considering that ERs have been over-crowded and with long waits for decades, this is no surprise.
Our government has got to do something about this.
Friday, June 09, 2006
US ports still seen vulnerable to terrorism
Duh. I'm not the least bit surprised. What's different? Is there anything different?
(I live down the road from Long Beach and see the container ships on their way into Long Beach - many more than there used to be, BTW.)
It's not just our Mexican border that is a problem. How about these ports? And what about the Canadian border?
Homeland Security, where are you?
Thursday, June 08, 2006 - 'Painstaking' operation led to al-Zarqawi
Hurray - this is good news.
I don't usually cheer anyone's death, but this is an exceptional case, as I'm sure you agree. No less than the #1 man in Al Qaeda in Iraq.
No, it doesn't mean that all problems are solved in Iraq, or that there still won't be plenty of violence there, but - all are better off for this man being out of the picture.
(I wonder who's getting that $25M that was on al-Zarqawi's head?)
Now for Bin Laden...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 - Americans want universal health coverage, group says
It's about time we joined the rest of the "civilized world" in regard to our health care system.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Bush makes new push for gay-marriage ban
Why bother?
Doesn't he have more important things on his plate?
Oh please let's not have another election dominated by this silly, trivial issue...
Thursday, June 01, 2006 - Reporter Assaulted After Interview, Loses Tape
From Los Angeles CBS/KCAL TV...
"A local radio reporter was assaulted Thursday while leaving a Los Angeles charter school that his station has said imparts separatist ethics, a station official said."With his car the assaultant jumped the curb and tried to run down the reporter. Failing that, he tackled the reporter and stole his tape recorder.
The reporter is okay - even after all that.
What the hey!
Schwarzenegger to order troops to border
"They reached an agreement under which California will contribute about 1,000 Guardsmen for border duty and the federal government will pick up the full cost, said Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn."I do hope the Feds do pick up the tab.
"Schwarzenegger's decision ended an awkward period for the Republican governor. He held out longer than Democratic governors in Arizona and New Mexico before saying he would send troops." [italics are mine]
Arnold is his own man - a Republican, yet not entirely a Republican. Also, our state's First Lady, who seems to have a big influence on Arnold, is, after all, a Kennedy.
Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" movie about global warming
An Inconvenient Truth - the film's website.
(Gee, I wish Al Gore had won... Oh, wait, he did, sort of. Let's draft him for 2008. : )
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq
The other day, the massacre at Haditha, killing old folks, women, and children.
In the meantime, more and more of our troops (and journalists) are killed and maimed.
This whole war has gotten out of hand. No, it was stupid to begin with.
We need to get out of there. We need that "exit strategy." Now.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Justices Restore Exit Exam - Los Angeles Times
Lots of California news today! (Note also the Enron verdicts.)
I do understand the other side of this high school exit exam issue based on the fact that students don't get a good enough education here in CA, and that we do lack quality teachers, etc. (Frankly K-12 in CA does truly suck - my kids went through it. Too many parties, days off, and movies! What was that? I also have Illinois for comparison - where my kids started and where I went to school. Sooo much better!)
Given that K-12 is really pretty bad here, inexcusably bad here, and that CA is rated near the bottom of all the states (!), retaining the HS exit exam is still a better idea than doing away with it. Perhaps the schools do need that pressure to have the students actually learn something? Hopefully it wil make for less goofing around and slacking, and push administrators, teachers, parents, and students to get down to business already.
Now to improve the K-12 education!
Note that the HS exit exam only required 8th-grade math and 10th-grade English skills... Yeesh!
Comparing the Immigration Bills - Los Angeles Times
A handy side-by-side comparison of the major points of the House bill and the Senate bill.
Schwarzenegger, Fox to discuss immigration
Also, a legal immigrant (the governor of our state, no less) meeting with the president of most of our illegal immigrants.
Some of Fox's words and actions regarding illegal Mexican immigrants are truly annoying. It's interesting timing for his trip to the U.S. just as we're trying to get immigration legislation through our Congress.
Note Fox's encouragement for our proposed guest-worker program. Of course he would support our guest-worker program. Look at the benefits for Mexico and Mexicans - either here or back home - if we were to have a such a program.
It's all rather bizarre.
Fox is well aware of the fact that money sent home to Mexico by illegals in the U. S. is a major source of income for his country.
Fox is also up for re-election soon. Many of the illegals here will be voting in that Mexican election; in essence, it does appear that Presidente Fox is doing some of his campaigning right here in our good old U. S. of A.
Imagine if the tables were turned and our president went to Mexico (or any other country) to campaign among American voters?
What I'd really like to see is a Mexican president who works at making Mexico a better place, a place where its citizens can readily get work at decent wages. Clearly Mexicans would prefer to stay in their own country.
Again, there's much bizarre here.
FWIW, as far as that controversial guest-worker program is concerned, I don't like it for the simple reason that the "guests" wouldn't be "guests", they'd simply stay here, hoping to pass unnoticed, just as they're doing right now. What's the point?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Mutilated and killed, Iraqi boy is sectarian victim
Just one more reason to ask, why are we making such great sacrifices for Iraq?
Yes, we have to fix what we've broken there, but beyond that...?
No, it's not about winning (and how is that defined?) the War on Terror or abolishing Al Qaeda. Our presence in Iraq is not going to accomplish that.
Nor can we stop the Iraqis from killing each other - even children, such as in the headline.
I'm not sure the Iraqis are worth our sacrifices...
Friday, May 19, 2006
"Spanglish" California mocks Senate English push
Says who?
"...Californians wondered on Friday what all the fuss was about.To put it politely - horse hockey.
Most immigrants embrace English, and Spanish exists happily alongside."
This is not true of the Californians that I know - and you'll note that I live in California. I even know Latinos who don't agree with this.
Yes, the Spanish language is integral to the geography and history of California. Fine. I even like Spanish - and can hablo y comprendo un poquito, thanks to three years of high school Spanish study - in Illinois!
(Es muy interesante reading those Spanish protest signs and listening to Spanish newscasts these days...)
But none of that negates the fact that English has always been commonly understood as our national language.
These reporters need to interview more people who are not from Mexico - yes, there still are some of us around here...
This whole thing is tiresome - let's get this mess settled already, get the legislation through, then enforced, done.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Senate votes English US national language
About time.
Hey, my legal immigrant family made a point of learning English. They didn't know it before they came here. If they can do it... OIOW, there's no excuses for not learning - and using - the language of this country.
NBC 4 - News - Border Crossing Shut Down After Shooting
Well, I saw this one coming. Thought it was only a matter of time before violence entered into this.
Good thing the illegal immigration legislation is supposed to be settled and enacted soon!
At a Glance: Immigration Legislation
A great, quick-read summary of what's going on.
Civil liberties debate leaves much of America cold
That it does is troubling.
I also think that this is due partly to the erosion of education in this country. Just one more argument to press for better education!
Excerpts from this article:
Richard Ben-Veniste, a Democratic member of the September 11 Commission which investigated the 2001 attacks, said the numbers reflected an indifference which was discouraging, but not surprising.
"Unless it directly affects an individual, people are not as vigilant as they
ought to be and perhaps not as educated as they ought to be on the importance of
our constitutional privacy and civil liberties protections," he said.Other analysts say the polls highlight underlying resignation due to an erosion of civil liberties over time.
"There's been an assault on Americans' privacy. Everything we do in our society seems to be monitored, every purchase we make is collected by private entities. I think people are just used to it today," said Lewis Katz, a law professor and privacy expert at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Senate OKs Border Fence, Back Citizenship - AP
From the article...
WASHINGTON - The Senate agreed to give millions of illegal immigrants a shot at U.S. citizenship and backed construction of 370 miles of triple-layered fencing along the Mexican border Wednesday, but prospects of the legislation clearing Congress were clouded by a withering attack against President Bush by a prominent House Republican.
Da Vinci Code Review - AP
The headline for the review: 'Da Vinci Code' Seen As Cursory and Rushed
Given 2 stars by the AP reviewer
Read the novel, looking forward to seeing the movie for myself...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 'Da Vinci Code' backs away from book
Snippets from the article...
Screened for critics Tuesday in Los Angeles, the film offers more skepticism to the theory of Jesus' marriage and fatherhood than Brown wrote
The movie focuses more on mysticism and spirituality and eliminates the romance between Langdon and police cryptologist Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) Contrary to rumors about the script, there are no scenes of Jesus and Mary Magdalene romantically involved
Monday, May 15, 2006
10 Ways to Lower the Cost of Driving
We from SoCal need this more than anyone.
I've realized that it costs ~$12 now to visit my daughter - and she only lives in the next county!
(Maybe we should take the train...?)
Oh, and it now can be cheaper to fly to Las Vegas from here then it is to drive (depending on where you live in SoCal, of course).
Sunday, May 14, 2006
"President" Al Gore on SNL
A reminder why we would have been so much better off!
A little entertainment on Mother's Day.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Senate leaders clear path for immigration bill
It's back.
Best to get this settled and taken care of already.
I wonder if it will happen before the next election?
Sunday, May 07, 2006
All too painfully true - and for far too many of us. Something needs to be done about this situation!"Then there are the families who are wiped out by a catastrophic illness or injury -- a child's leukemia, a father's fall from a ladder. Even a health insurance policy that pays 70 percent of hospital costs can leave a working family struggling to pay the rest if the bill is big enough. Drug costs for chronic illnesses can also drain the finances of average families.
Neither the president nor his economic advisers seem to see those ugly realities beneath the relatively good unemployment numbers. (For that matter, neither do highly paid journalists in the Washington-New York corridor. On political ommentary shows, they, too, often express surprise that Americans are not more optimistic about the economy.) The income gap keeps growing, and Bush and his team have lost sight of the have-lesses."
Thursday, May 04, 2006 - U.S.: Outtakes show al-Zarqawi as poor gunman
(Giggle) About al-Zarqawi's blooper reel.
It's good to see him looking foolish.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Moussaoui gets life in jail
"'America you lost!' Moussaoui shouted as he left the courtroom. He clapped his hands and shouted, 'I won!'"
Well, consider the source.
It is so good that Moussaoui did not get the death sentence. For two reasons: (1) the death penalty is wrong, period (2) Moussaoui would have been considered A Great Al-Qaeda Martyr Hero in the cause of Islam, killed by the Great American Devil/Crusaders, or whatever it is that they call us these days.
By throwing Moussaoui in jail, then throwing away the key, Moussaoui is denied that "pleasure and glory."
Consider also that he may be one of the least popular inmates in the prison, possibly even less popular than serial child molesters/murderers and the like. Yeah, he'll have fun...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Calif. Democrats pick Schwarzenegger challenger
Now, back to the upcoming election...
The California Democratic Party endorsement for governor?
It's....Phil Angelides, our current state treasurer.
Trailing in the polls, this is quite a boost for Angelides.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Mexican't Day in O.C.
NO se puede?
Well, I made my trip to the neighborhood Jack-in-the-Box, scoped out the block, and sent a comment to Lou Dobbs (my first - this is no habit).
As far as I can tell, there is no difference whatsoever in my neighborhood. It's almost anti-climactic. Maybe the news has hyped this too much? (ratings) Maybe I need a break from the news? (yes)
I got my Breakfast Ciabatta (sp?) from the usual workers who are clearly Mexican - in fairness, Spanish-speaking - immigrants, legal or not. They certainly don't know English well. The Jack-in-the-Box was busy, with its usual long drive-thru line.
Bus stops up and down the block - a favorite of the many Mexican immigrants here - legal or not - were full.
The party's over. Now's the time for our government to get its act together on this illegal immigrant issue and stop stalling. For the sake of immigrants of whatever stripe and legality, and for all the rest of us as well.
Oh, I hear a "Yahoo!", another E-Mail from my irate Latina in-law - she's angrier about the "illegals" than anyone I know. She and her husband are legal immigrants from Chile.
Signing off,
Daughter of a legal Swedish immigrant
[Illegal Immigrants'] Protests could backfire
This protest is starting to get a little chaotic, lacking clear and specific purpose and goals."[it is]...possible that the protests will backfire, and end up hurting the people they are intended to help."
Kids are only too glad to find an excuse to blow off school and party with their friends, after all. (I actually was a kid once.) But this is not in the interest of their education or their schools.
I've been too busy working, tending to my business, to pay attention to the news throughout the day - I sure hope the protesters weren't wrapping themselves in and waving Mexican flags (or any other flags from countries other than the U.S., for that matter). That is truly and unarguably out of line.
I think what's really needed is more leadership from our government on this whole issue. They're falling down on the job with this - have been for years!
BBC NEWS | In Depth | US illegal immigrants
Sometimes the BBC covers our news better than we do.
Good, informative charts here. They show the situation - and the problem - in a glance better than words can.
The charts show the situation "on the ground" here in Southern California very well. I've seen - and heard (the increase in Spanish used) - what these charts show during the period I've lived here (since 1985).
El Dia de Los Illegales? I'm still pissed about today being called El Dia Sin Los Imigrantes/The Day Without Immigrants. My dad and his family are immigrants - this is disrespecting them and other legal immigrants. It's insulting and wrong to treat legal immigrants like this.
I almost feel sorry for McDonald's - they're being boycotted in the U.S. and Mexico today.
LIVE VIDEO - NBC-4 TV, L.A.- Protest Coverage
Our local NBC-TV (Channel 4) is offering this live video and audio coverage online.
This feature - "News Raw"- is available 10 am - 5 pm M - F
Sunday, April 30, 2006
AtomFilms: I Can't Afford My Gasoline
Some video song and satire about our current gasoline situation.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Day Laborers Are Predominately Hired By Homeowners
We have met the enemy, and he is us? At least partly.
Although there's plenty of blame to be spread around - the "illegals" themselves, big business, our government, Mexico, etc., etc....
Do the math:
49% are homeowners (just folks - Joe Six-Pack)
43% are contractors
75% of the day laborers are illegal immigrants
In the example in this article two day laborers worked for 1.5 hours for less than $40. That's what? Less than $15/h for hard labor? I know that's much more than the "illegals" would get in their home countries; but, still... Legal immigrants - Americans - would expect more. And, rightfully so.
Part of the problem with this illegal immigrant situation are these economics. Yes, the "illegals" are being taken advantage of! While they were wrong to break the law to come here in the first place, it's also wrong for people to be taken advantage of that fact.
Note, also, how this cheap labor drives down wages for "legal" laborers - no small consideration.
Such as those 25% of day laborers who are not illegal immigrants, for one thing.
Calif. Democrats to pick Schwarzenegger challenger - Yahoo! News
Both Angelides and Westly are pretty good, IMO. I've voted for both of them in the past.
I'm leaning toward Angelides, although Westly may have a better chance. Odds are good I'll vote in November for whichever one of them wins the primary.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Bush pans Spanish "Star-Spangled Banner"
Bush told reporters at a White House Rose Garden news conference the anthem would not have the same value sung in Spanish.
"The national anthem ought to be sung in English. And I think people who want to be citizens of this country ought to learn it in English. They ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."
Surprised again to find myself in agreement with Bush. (It doesn't happen often.)
Again, I'm wondering who do these illegals think they are?
I don't get it. You'd think they were U.S. citizens the way they talk (but where's the English?) and act.
Anyway, it was truly annoying to see marchers in our streets wrapped in Mexican flags and waving Mexican flags. I truly hope the illegals have no intention of going around singing what some have dubbed "The Illegal Alien Anthem" on their annoying Boycott Day. (I am tempted to stop into my neighborhood Jack-In-The-Box for a Jumbo Jack on Monday and see what happens. NO, I am not joining in this boycott/demonstration in any way, shape, or form.)
None of this - Mexican flags, Spanish anthems, massive protests or a boycott - encourages me to contact my Congressman (Dana Rohrabacher) or my Senators (Feinstein and Boxer, of course) on their behalf, more the contrary.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
High pump prices drive many to Web for deals
Here's a link related to the article: numbers of motorists are seeking to ease the punch to their pocketbooks by finding deals or carpool partners on the Internet....
The above link is GasBuddy for the state of California. Find gas price listings here - putting you on the road to the cheapest gas available to you.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Common ground on who's American
What does it mean to be an American?
A survey finds that behavior is more important than background.
I'm not surprised, I also agree.
In America it doesn't matter where you or your ancestors came from, what matters is if you act like an American.
While the "Founding Fathers" were WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), this ethnic group no longer dominates the land, defining exclusively - and wrongly - that only WASPs are "real Americans." (And, I say that as a WASP.)
Your ancestors don't have to be in this country for generations, either.
(FWIW, some of my mom's ancestors came here in colonial times and included native Americans and Revolutionary War veterans, while my dad was born in Sweden, making him an immigrant. So I'm all over the place with this.)
America is based on our land and ideas - the ideas found in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
I do believe acting like an American can include some ethnic pride and involvement, having some ties to one's homeland. Heck, I do. I have a good time at Ikea - and make sure I have their Swedish meatball plate (which, BTW, is even as good as my Swedish grandmother's - yes). America is about diversity, and I think the country's better off for it.
OTOH, one's ethnic ties should be secondary to one's ties to this country, America. That just makes sense and is obvious. America comes first, with wherever you or your ancestors came from second. I would consider this acting like an American.
Yes, and I do think using English is part of acting like an American. Hey, my Swedish dad learned it.... My grandparents, the rest of my immigrant family.
All in all, it's a very good thing that we're giving more thought these days into what it means to be an American, and what is America.
Many middle-income Americans lack insurance: study
Not surprising, considering the cost. Also, not acceptable.
It'll be interesting to see how Massachusetts' new universal health care program works out.
A relevant website:
Monday, April 24, 2006
Kerry: Opposing Iraq War Is Patriotic
So why wasn't he making this obvioius statement before we invaded Iraq?
I even voted for Kerry in 2002 (frankly, mostly for lack of a better option), but perhaps Kerry does "waffle" as his opponent suggested during the presidential campaign.
I have found Democrats disappointing these past several years - more reactive than pro-active, and not standing up for what they believe - which is exactly what these days, anyway?
Although Al Gore bloomed after the 2000 "selection" - would that he had been during that 2000 campaign what he has been since... (sigh)
What would America be like now if Al Gore were in his second term, instead of George W. Bush??
I long for somebody like those guys with a lot of initials: FDR, JFK, even LBJ. They stood for something. They got things done. America was better off as a result of their actions (well, except for that Vietnam thing...! And Republican Barry Goldwater wouldn't have gone? He'd probably have dropped a nuclear bomb on North Vietnam. But I digress.)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Iraq one of 'worst disasters' of US foreign policy: Albright
From the article:
The former top US diplomat told the New York Times that Iraq's deposed leader Saddam Hussein "was horrible. But I did not think he was an imminent threat to the United States.
"You can't go to war with everybody you dislike," Albright continued.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
State Quake Commission Given a Jolt
Wrong, Arnold, wrong.
I can't believe he almost fired Dr. Lucy Jones, one of our dear TV news "quake ladies" - the experts we have counted on over the years to help us make sense of each earthquake.
Worse, what's this about downsizing earthquake safety?!
Wrong, Arnold, wrong.
Monday, April 17, 2006
L.A. Catholic Church loses battle over priest files
Good! Let's open things up; let's find out the truth.
If nothing's wrong, what's to hide?
(IMO, Mahoney's been wrong with this pedophile priest scandal, and wrong with many of his recent words and deeds regarding illegal immigration.)
Avalanche Prompts Search At Mammoth Mountain
Oh my! Mammoth was the scene of a tragedy just recently - with three killed, others have been killed and injured recently on Mammoth - and now this.
There are no reports yet of casualties. The avalanche happened only about 90 minutes ago.
States Help Schools Hide Minority Scores
States are helping public schools escape potential penalties by skirting the No Child Left Behind law's requirement that students of all races must show annual academic progress.
With the federal government's permission, schools aren't counting the test scores of nearly 2 million students when they report progress by racial groups, an Associated Press computer analysis found.
Minorities — who historically haven't fared as well as whites in testing — make up the vast majority of students whose scores are being excluded, AP found. And the numbers have been rising.
What's with this? This is not right.
IMHO, all the students' scores should be treated as a whole, with no singling out in regard to any category.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
US says gas cost to hit record
It really does appear to be time to get over our addiction to oil. (I actually do agree with Bush on this.)
This oil problem with its high prices is not going to go away. That's just plain reality.
Wonder if my next car should be a hybrid?
Maybe all the more reason not to get a second car - and get a bus pass instead?
I'm a strong believer in public transportation. Unfortunately SoCal does lag with this, but it is making an effort to catch up.
More walking would be good. All of us could use more exercise, after all.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Immigration rallies sweep US
I think the Christian Science Monitor was so right the other day when it wrote about the illegal immigration issue being so muddled with semantics.
"National Day of Action for Immigration Justice" the illegal immigrants and their supporters call today.
"Immigration Justice" more appropriately would be about those millions of immigrants who came here legally, played by the rules, obeyed our laws (what a concept!).
And, taking the word "Justice" - justice is about the law, fairness, what one rightfully deserves, what is just and merited, isn't it?
Again, illegal immigration has nothing to do with justice, and illegals demanding justice here in America, beyond basic human rights, of course, is out of line, actually unjust in itself. As illegals perhaps the justice they most deserve is being hauled back where they came from? (No, that's not a solution to the illegals problem. There are millions of illegals. It's not even practical.)
Again, as the daughter of an immigrant - a legal immigrant - I am truly offended by the demands and behavior of these illegal immigrant protesters.
Are there as many Mexican flags being flown today as in past demonstrations I'm wondering? Are protesters still wrapping themselves in the Mexican flag?
And, what message is that use of the Mexican flag sending?!
And yelling "Si se puede" - "Yes, we can." (roughly translated). Yes, they can what? No, they can't - who do they think they are?
Someone called the waving of the Mexican flag in the streets the equivalent of giving Americans the finger. Yeah, that's about right. Sure does makes us want to help out the illegals.
But, I digress. Remember, my ranting is not about immigrants - half my family was born in Sweden. I have nothing against immigrants, how can I? - including Mexican-American immigrants. (Piss me when they won't learn and speak English, though...) Immigrants are okay; it's illegal immigrants who are not.
Back to the beginning, so let's stick to using words according to their actual meaning, please. Such as what part of illegal is not being understood?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Walt Disney's Apartment
Something light and very California-y to get us through the wet and cold and the Mexican flags in the streets. Good old Walt...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Next step for immigration
Interesting article by our Governor Schwarzenegger, a legal immigrant.
Blocking illegal migrants - and rhetoric |
Great editorial from The Christian Science Monitor.
"Accurate terms, not bogus rhetoric, should impel this debate."
Yes! Who can deny that? An example from the editorial:
Undocumented immigrants: This phrase is designed to avoid implying guilt
for those who enter the US illegally but haven't been convicted of the crime.
It's similar to describing speeding drivers as "undocumented speeders" or
taxpayers who cheat the government as "undocumented tax cheats." Yes, in a
courtroom, there should be a presumption of innocence. But in writing laws and
setting policy, let's characterize this group for who they are: illegal
Another excellent semantic point the Monitor makes (and one I agree with whole-heartedly):
An anti-illegal-immigrant stance is not an anti-immigrant one
For my part, note that I am a second-generation Swedish-American, my dad and his family being immigrants. How could I possibly be against immigrants? I'm not, anyway. It's the "illegal" that bothers me. Why should people go breaking our laws - important laws which affect our national security and well-being - and it be considered okay?
Immigration debate seen skirting root cause
The root cause being the extreme economic disparity between Mexico and the United States.
Who wouldn't rather have $5/hour instead of $5/day?
Obviously what's most needed is a vast improvement in the Mexican economy. This would be the best answer for everyone - American and Mexican alike.
This is probably a crazy idea, but it does sound obvious to me - why don't we take some of that money we're mostly wasting in the Middle East (include Afghanistan) and spend it instead helping Mexico improve its economy?
Of course we'd have to make sure that the money doesn't wind up in the hands of the criminals and lost to Mexico's infamous corruption. (Note that there's also plenty of corruption and waste in the Middle East.)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Schools, Kids Becoming Targets in Iraq
If the Iraqis can't even make peace with each other, as well as having little regard for the death and injury of their own innocents, why are we still wasting ourselves over there?
From the article...
Schools and children have increasingly become targets in a bloody conflict
pitting Shiite and Sunni Muslims against each other as Iraq teeters on the verge of civil war. The violence has reached immense proportions in recent weeks, with dozens dying every day and overwhelmed Iraqi authorities seemingly incapable of stopping attacks.
With kidnappings of children and attacks at schools on the rise, some parents are just keeping their kids at home.
Saturday, March 25, 2006 - L.A. braces for protest, as Bush addresses 'emotional debate'
OMG, it's come down to this - I actually very much agree with and appreciate what Bush is saying here...
"America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
"When illegal immigrants know they will be caught and sent home, they will be less likely to break the rules, and our immigration system will be more orderly and secure."
The president acknowledged it was an "emotional debate" but continued "America does not have to choose between being a welcoming society and being a lawful society."
Illegal Immigration, also Reform Proposals
A good summary of the proposals before the Senate about immigration reform.
I am just stunned by the protests here in SoCal. The size of the protests. Why can't we get this kind of turn-out about other (more) important issues, such as the Iraq War? And the attitudes of many of the protesters. Marching for their rights? What rights? An illegal immigrant does not and should not have the kind of rights an American citizen has. That pisses me, frankly. What pisses me even more are the protesters carrying Mexican flags. What is that about? They love Mexico that much, then why don't they go back there?
I am not anti-immigrant - my father and his family are immigrants.
BUT, my family are LEGAL immigrants. They also made the point to learn and use English (what a concept), they (we) fly the American flag, and became American citizens, as well as active registered voters and contributors to their community.
I don't get it - illegal is illegal. What part of "illegal" do these people not understand?
And WHY the MEXICAN flags? This is the United States!
You can tell I'm pissed, can't you? Yes, I am - and very offended.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Bush: Troops to Stay in Iraq Through '08
Amazing and disturbing the president's talk today about a future president bringing our troops home from Iraq.
How long are our troops expected to be there? Isn't it time soon for the Iraqis to start standing on their own feet?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Bush advance staff impersonated reporters: W Post
Quoting a Mississippi man whose house was wrecked by Katrina about these Bush staffers:
"They just came up and said they were with the media, and then they said
they were with Fox," Akins was quoted as saying.
"They just talked to us and asked us about rebuilding our house. Then,
after everything was over with, they approached us and they were laughing, and
they said: 'You know, we really weren't with Fox. We're government, Secret
Service men,"' she said."
And, no, they weren't Secret Service, either.
How very strange and bizarre. And not good.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Execution-Style Slayings Mount in Iraq
What a mess Iraq is. It's hard to be optimistic about it, especially as Iraq seems to sink deeper and deeper into civil war, with us playing monkey in the middle.
Note that this war, our war - or whatever it is - has been going on for three years now.
The answer? Darned if I know. Business as usual doesn't seem to be working too well, however.
My biggest concern is for our troops caught in the middle of all this mess. Also, why should our troops be further endangered by the Shi'ite and Sunni inability - refusal? - to get along?
Friday, March 10, 2006
U.S. Hostage Tom Fox Killed in Iraq
This is too sad. I had been hoping that this sort of thing had ended. Apparently not.
I am concerned about the remaining hostages - the ones in this Peacemaker Team and the journalist Jill Carroll...
I'm so sick of all this - the war, the Muslim extremists...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Southland To Get Cold, Possibly Wacky Weather
What the hey? That headline caught my eye. "Wacky"? "Wacky weather"? And, here in the Land of No Weather? Whaa...?
Actually, for lack of a better term, the above quoted does sound kinda wacky. Really wacky will be if I see any snow - and it's almost cold enough for it. Brrr...this T-shirt's not cutting it today - something warmer's needed.The coming storm could produce small hail, ice pellets, waterspouts, strong
wind gusts in some areas and a slight chance of thunderstorms, the NWS reported.
BTW, aren't ice pellets and small hail pretty much the same thing?
Bracing for winter in SoCal
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Rotation Of The Earth Plunges Entire North American Continent Into Darkness | The Onion
OMG!! It's the End of the World. Armageddon (sp?). The End Times! OMG, OMG. !!!!!
I couldn't resist the ONION article. Ever get the feeling that the news media makes a point of making life scary, anxiety-filled, and dangerous?
Listen to the tone of TV news announcers - no, not the actual newscasters - the announcers. The guys who are trying to sell you on the idea of watching their news during the commercial breaks.
For example, listen for this on CNN. Tense, anxious, hushed, dramatic...
(When it's not doing it's Voice of God thing, brought to us by the big-voiced James Earl Jones. {{{"This is CNN..."}}} Where's the lightning bolts and thunder?)
CNN also has what I call their "scary water music" - used for the Asian tsunami, used for hurricanes.
Note also that CNN also has their regular "Security Alert"s. Do we really need such a thing? Guess they'd like to think we do - or think we should. So we'll watch them. Of course.
NO, it's not just CNN. It's all over the TV news, national and local. If we're too mellow we simply won't watch them as much.
PS: I actually like CNN and watch it regularly (how else would I know this stuff?). Miss Aaron Brown, what was the deal with that?! Okay, Anderson Cooper is a good guy/journalist and reporter, but why not have both of them? I digress. Yes, the sun will come up tomorrow.
Bourbon Street Journal - NOLA Rising
I especially like the woman who went to Mardi Gras dressed as Hurricane Katrina (Katrinarita Gras, blog entry 2/27).
It's good to see the people of New Orleans take a break from their grim and difficult situation - and celebrate. Good for them!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Kobe Bryant Named As 2008 Olympic Basketball Team | The Onion
We're overdue for some of the lighter side of news from SoCal.
Hey, Kobe pretty much is the Lakers these days...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Arab Co., White House Had Secret Agreement
What the heck...? See the following from the article:
Bush personally defended the agreement on Tuesday, but the White House said he did not know about it until recently. The AP first reported the U.S. approval of the sale to Dubai Ports on Feb. 11, and many members of Congress have said they learned about it from the AP.This situation is head-spinning - on the one hand, the L.A. Times , as well as Jimmy Carter, both very respectable sources, IMO, condone this ports arrangement, while, OTOH, intuitively at least, it defies common sense, big time.
At least, Long Beach/Los Angeles is not involved... But, still!
I cannot believe it's come down to this... Ann Coulter and I actually agree!
From the article above...
The Bush administration defended Muslims rioting over cartoons, saying, "We certainly understand why Muslims would find these images offensive." Hey, while they're at it, why don't they invite some Muslim leaders with well-known ties to terrorism to the White House for a reception? Oh wait, I forgot ... They did that right after 9/11. Yes, now I see why we must turn over our ports to the United Arab Emirates.I normally can't abide Coulter, and she sure can't abide my ilk, but I agree with not one, but two, of the points she makes above. About the ports and about "the cartoons."
The University of Illinois has suspended editors of the student newspaper, The Daily Illini, for republishing the cartoons -- even though the kiss-ass editors ran a column accompanying the cartoons denouncing them as "bigoted and insensitive."
That was still not enough for Richard Herman, the chancellor of the university, who wrote a letter to the editor saying that he was "saddened" by the publication of the cartoons. You want sad? The University of Illinois' sports teams are known as the "Fighting Illini." Now they're going to have to change it to the "Surrendering Illini."
(Worse, my husband is an Illini alumni. He's not going to appreciate that U of I stuff.)
Bush Unaware of Ports Deal Before Approval
Huh? I quote from the AP article:
"WASHINGTON - President Bush was unaware of the pending sale of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports to a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates until the deal already had been approved by his administration, the White House said Wednesday."
Our president is too often unaware - in general, IMHO.
Anyway, I thought the security of our ports was a problem before...and now this?
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Bush Shrugs Off Objections to Port Deal
Why does the phrase "King George" come to mind?
Balance of powers; please, balance of powers!
I'll admit I did find it interesting when Jimmy Carter, as interviewed on CNN yesterday, didn't seem to think there was a problem with this ports deal. ?
Calif. Execution Postponed Indefinitely
Good news. IMO, the death penalty is barbaric, certainly backward.
And, I especially don't want to be a part of it, which as a resident of California, is what happens whenever an execution is performed in this state. It means, as a resident, that I bear some responsibility (along with another 30 million people, but still...) for the execution. I don't like that.
Monday, February 20, 2006 - Ridge: White House should explain port deal
That's Tom Ridge, our former Homeland Security Chief - not exactly a flaming anti-Bush maniac.
What is the deal with having an Arab company managing our major seaports, anyway?!
Just sounds bizarre. Not to mention at cross purposes with our national security.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Google Criticizes Gov't in Court Papers
Keeps being news about Google (my business partner, in a small way) these days.
This article is about Google and the government and our privacy online.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Iran Renames Danish Pastries... "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad."
Remember Freedom Fries? This is about as lame.
I understand that the Muslim religion forbids images of Muhammad, but this whole cartoon brouhaha has gone much too far. It's not worth death and destruction.
I resent that anti-Christian and anti-Jewish cartoons are okay in these Muslim countries. I guess that version of freedom of speech is okay.
Monday, February 13, 2006
What has happened to America's Jesus?
Interesting and on-target opinion article.
This is the crux of it, the italics are mine:
"...I thought about telling my family what's happened to Jesus in the United States - how he's been kidnapped by politicians and preachers who decide what he does and doesn't think. They speak for him, and it doesn't always make sense."
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Sierra Fire is defended
This guy had some 'splaining to do...
(I still am sick from this fire.)
'Least the Feds will pick up the tab. Good news that.
Programs Bush Wants to Cut or Kill
Why so many education cuts?
We could do a lot for our budget deficit if we withdrew our troops from Iraq and did away with those tax breaks for the wealthy...
I do wish it was 2008 already...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Update on Sierra Fire & Interesting Links
Today's fire map from the Orange County Fire Authority:
Health advice from the Sheriff-Coroner Dept., Orange County, regarding our smoke-filled air:
We'll be having this bad air quality probably through the weekend. Get your rest, hydrate, take your asthma meds, stay indoors and keep windows shut...
Let me add to all this - it's HOT as bleep out there. 90 degrees here on the Orange Coast today! Rare even in August. Accordingly, add this heat to your health concerns as well.
I unpacked a fan first thing today - the apartment is so hot. I'm going to go hydrate now...
Take care of yourselves.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Update on Sierra Fire
I'm really getting sick from this... Dizzy, headache, chest ache, trouble breathing. Started yesterday really, but it's worsening. Time for some more Albuterol, perhaps. Needed it last night so I could sleep. My heart was going too fast - a lack of oxygen thing - for me to fall asleep.
Back to the fire... This pisses me off. This is almost as bad as if an arsonist had started this fire:
"PRELIMINARY CAUSE OF FIRE: Escaped Prescription Burn" - quoting from the Update, the link at top.
I'm somewhat surprised that they didn't figure out this cause immediately - if they were the freaking ones who did it. Hmmm...?
So, the fire is 10% contained as of 2/7, 5:40 pm PT, and ash is falling down on the Orange Coast. We had two sunsets tonight - in both the eastern and western skies. A slight pale pink glow can be seen low on the eastern horizon now. No, not city lights -this is new and different.
OCFA Update on Sierra Fire & LInks
From the [Fire] Incident Information System - InciWeb - - the Sierra Wildland Fire.
Not so good how it says on this last link that the fire will double and won't be controlled until the 16th. Well, these big fires take a long time to entirely extinguish.
Sierra Peak fire map & Latest News
Good news: The fire evacuations are expected to lifted at 4 pm today.
CBS 2 / KCAL 9: Fires Rage In Anaheim Hills
The good news is that this Sierra fire in the Cleveland National Forest is still being kept on the forest-side of the 241 keeping it away from nearby residential neighborhoods. As usual, our firefighters are doing a terrific job.
Personally, on the Orange County coast we're downwind from this - far away, but still dealing with ashes and unhealthy air quality. From here the smoke is very visible today - mostly white, tinged with brown and black - as a plume low across the eastern sky.
I do have some family in Yorba Linda rather close to the fire, but not in its path at all, thank God. They're getting some amazing sights.
I hope and pray that the fire continues to be held back from moving into the residential areas. So far so good... "Cautiously optimistic" was a phrase used by one of the firefighters today.
Monday, February 06, 2006
CBS 2 / KCAL 9: Cleveland Forest Fire Rages Out Of Control
CBS & Local TV coverage of the ongoing Cleveland National Forest fire - articles, videos and TV news broadcasts.
I'm located in coastal Orange County. From my home I can see the fire's hazy white smoke pouring into the north-east sky. This fire is in far inland Orange County near the Santiago Canyon. The Cleveland National Forest contains the Santa Ana Mountain Range (as well as the border between Orange County and Riverside County).
For now the fire hasn't moved out of the Forest, but many homes and schools are being evacuated. Anaheim Hills is not far away.
The location of this fire seems to be of particular concern as it is located where winds gust the worst and where so much fuel is available from the Forest and the many very dry hills. This area is like a funnel for the desert wind as it rushes through and around passes, canyons, hills, and mountains on its way west, and into the Los Angeles Basin (aka Santa Ana winds). Basically, this fire is located in this funnel, therefore the concern.
The good news is that since this is a very rural area few residences are threatened at this point. Crucial is that the firefighters knock this fire down before it does move into populated areas.
Obvioiusly, this will make for an even more difficult rush-hour commute on the 91 than usual.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Gates Speaks Out Against Net Censorship
This was good to read after all the bad news we've been hearing about Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google caving in to the Chinese.
I could hardly believe that the Chinese were blocking the word "democracy"!
PS: Bill was getting a little plump there for a while - it's good to see his recent slimming down. Good for him.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Dell to Hire 5,000 People in India
Why can't Dell hire 5,000 people in the good ol' U. S. of A. instead?
We Americans badly need less outsourcing and better education.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Calif. classifies second-hand smoke a toxic risk
I think - hope! - that tobacco products will become obsolete in this century. Good riddance, this former smoker says. clean up California's air altogether!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
N.Y. Design Team Chosen to Create a Showpiece O.C. Park - Los Angeles Times
I'm excited about this Great Park. I can't wait to go there.
The Great Park will be one of the nation's largest urban parks, and something of a Central Park for Orange County.
California Sees Surge in Million-Dollar Homes - Los Angeles Times
The Times weighs in on the same info, therefore giving it a more Southern California spin.
One in 13 California Homes Sold for More Than $1 Million in 2005
Doesn't surprise me, really. Isn't it obscene?
And, if you were to run the figures on Southern California itself, it would be that much more obscene.
Note that it is a fact that the average annual income in California is not adequate to cover the average annual housing costs here. This is interesting, but scary, economics. Basically, the math does not compute. What does this mean for our future?
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Boater's Tale of Survival at Sea Has a Theme Psalm - Los Angeles Times
Interesting local story of man spending several hours in the Pacific as his boat headed out to Catalina Island without him. Glad there's a happy ending!
Glitches Interrupt Medicare Prescriptions
A good article on the same subject I just posted about.
(It's that important.)
Seniors, Disabled Americans Denied Prescription Drugs
This whole situation is very troubling - even to being life-threatening for some, such as diabetics and others very dependent upon their prescription medicines.
BTW, the article mentions "Medicale" - wrong! - California's version of Medicaid is Medi-Cal.
Happily - and good for him! - our Governor Arnold is stepping in here in California to help these unfortunate people who have fallen between the prescription-coverage cracks.
The Feds need to do something about this immediately!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Scientists: Donner Family Not Cannibals
A correction of California history.
"We are thrilled and relieved," said Lochie Paige, the great-granddaughter of Eliza Donner, daughter of George Donner."
Apparently there was some cannibalism in the Donner Pass area - but the Donners didn't do it.
Blame the media.
Colbert: AP the Biggest Threat to America
Colbert of the "Colbert Report", pronounced "Colbear Repor" (An aside: part of Colbert's family pronounces their name "Colbert" and the rest pronounce it "Colbear" - depends on how fancy and pretentious the individual Colbert wishes to be. Much like the store Target's fancier pronunciation "Tar-jay")
Ha! I have to wonder if there's people out there reading this headline and thinking something like "Yeah! You're right, Colbert! Go get 'em. Stick it to them. Time the AP got their come-uppance, got knocked down a peg or two."
Or saying to themselves, "What the ...?! AP the biggest threat...?"
OTOH, if you're at all familiar with Steve Colbert, and if you've ever seen him on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show", you're in on the joke and wonder what Colbert is up to.
I say that with all truthiness.
Carolyn Mayer ("Mayer" pronounced today "May-yair", which would be its correct pronunciation in its native France. Never, never, never pronounce it like the hot dogs! Metro Goldwyn Mayer is the correct and usual pronunciation. Note that if a member of our family became a mayor, the name would be said twice - Mayor Mayer. )
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
"Doomsday vault" to house world's seeds
The first thing I thought of when I saw this article was the movie "Dr. Strangelove." (If you've never seen this 4-star movie, you must see it.)
Anyway, interesting and good idea on the part of the Norweigans.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Bremer says US did not expect insurgency in Iraq
Well, we've sure got one now.
Is it civil war in Iraq? And what will happen with those final results from the most recent election?