Saturday, April 29, 2006

Day Laborers Are Predominately Hired By Homeowners - Day Laborers Are Predominately Hired By Homeowners (Los Angeles TV - CBS 2 & KCAL 9)

We have met the enemy, and he is us? At least partly.

Although there's plenty of blame to be spread around - the "illegals" themselves, big business, our government, Mexico, etc., etc....


Do the math:

49% are homeowners (just folks - Joe Six-Pack)
43% are contractors

75% of the day laborers are illegal immigrants

In the example in this article two day laborers worked for 1.5 hours for less than $40. That's what? Less than $15/h for hard labor? I know that's much more than the "illegals" would get in their home countries; but, still... Legal immigrants - Americans - would expect more. And, rightfully so.

Part of the problem with this illegal immigrant situation are these economics. Yes, the "illegals" are being taken advantage of! While they were wrong to break the law to come here in the first place, it's also wrong for people to be taken advantage of that fact.

Note, also, how this cheap labor drives down wages for "legal" laborers - no small consideration.

Such as those 25% of day laborers who are not illegal immigrants, for one thing.

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