Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Calif. to cap greenhouse gas emissions

Calif. to cap greenhouse gas emissions - Yahoo! News (AP)

Good for our state government. Sacramento's been doing a better job lately. My goodness, even got the state budget in on time, something atypical.

Good for Arnold. (He has been getting much better at being governor. Good thing for him, too, considering he wants to get re-elected this November.)

Good for everyone about this greenhouse emissions cap, really, considering how much crap California pumps into the atmosphere. (Let's be honest - it really does. It really, really does. Consider our notorious SoCal air quality, for just one thing.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Data show one in eight Americans in poverty

Data show one in eight Americans in poverty - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

This is troubling.

Especially the part about one in five children under the age of six now living in poverty.

Elsewhere in the article it's clear that the divide between the haves and the have-nots continues to grow.

On the positive side (the "haves" side of the story?), the American real median household income rose 1.1 % - now being over $46K

Monday, August 28, 2006

Bolsa Chica Wetlands and the Pacific Meet Again - Los Angeles Times

Bolsa Chica Wetlands and the Pacific Meet Again - Los Angeles Times

This is a huge deal.

The Bolsa Chica Wetlands are being returned to their natural state - joined to the ocean - for the first time in over 100 years.


God bless the Amigos of Bolsa Chica for their decades of hard effort. (They're proof of what can happen when you care and believe and don't give up!)