Sunday, April 30, 2006
AtomFilms: I Can't Afford My Gasoline
Some video song and satire about our current gasoline situation.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Day Laborers Are Predominately Hired By Homeowners
We have met the enemy, and he is us? At least partly.
Although there's plenty of blame to be spread around - the "illegals" themselves, big business, our government, Mexico, etc., etc....
Do the math:
49% are homeowners (just folks - Joe Six-Pack)
43% are contractors
75% of the day laborers are illegal immigrants
In the example in this article two day laborers worked for 1.5 hours for less than $40. That's what? Less than $15/h for hard labor? I know that's much more than the "illegals" would get in their home countries; but, still... Legal immigrants - Americans - would expect more. And, rightfully so.
Part of the problem with this illegal immigrant situation are these economics. Yes, the "illegals" are being taken advantage of! While they were wrong to break the law to come here in the first place, it's also wrong for people to be taken advantage of that fact.
Note, also, how this cheap labor drives down wages for "legal" laborers - no small consideration.
Such as those 25% of day laborers who are not illegal immigrants, for one thing.
Calif. Democrats to pick Schwarzenegger challenger - Yahoo! News
Both Angelides and Westly are pretty good, IMO. I've voted for both of them in the past.
I'm leaning toward Angelides, although Westly may have a better chance. Odds are good I'll vote in November for whichever one of them wins the primary.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Bush pans Spanish "Star-Spangled Banner"
Bush told reporters at a White House Rose Garden news conference the anthem would not have the same value sung in Spanish.
"The national anthem ought to be sung in English. And I think people who want to be citizens of this country ought to learn it in English. They ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."
Surprised again to find myself in agreement with Bush. (It doesn't happen often.)
Again, I'm wondering who do these illegals think they are?
I don't get it. You'd think they were U.S. citizens the way they talk (but where's the English?) and act.
Anyway, it was truly annoying to see marchers in our streets wrapped in Mexican flags and waving Mexican flags. I truly hope the illegals have no intention of going around singing what some have dubbed "The Illegal Alien Anthem" on their annoying Boycott Day. (I am tempted to stop into my neighborhood Jack-In-The-Box for a Jumbo Jack on Monday and see what happens. NO, I am not joining in this boycott/demonstration in any way, shape, or form.)
None of this - Mexican flags, Spanish anthems, massive protests or a boycott - encourages me to contact my Congressman (Dana Rohrabacher) or my Senators (Feinstein and Boxer, of course) on their behalf, more the contrary.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
High pump prices drive many to Web for deals
Here's a link related to the article: numbers of motorists are seeking to ease the punch to their pocketbooks by finding deals or carpool partners on the Internet....
The above link is GasBuddy for the state of California. Find gas price listings here - putting you on the road to the cheapest gas available to you.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Common ground on who's American
What does it mean to be an American?
A survey finds that behavior is more important than background.
I'm not surprised, I also agree.
In America it doesn't matter where you or your ancestors came from, what matters is if you act like an American.
While the "Founding Fathers" were WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), this ethnic group no longer dominates the land, defining exclusively - and wrongly - that only WASPs are "real Americans." (And, I say that as a WASP.)
Your ancestors don't have to be in this country for generations, either.
(FWIW, some of my mom's ancestors came here in colonial times and included native Americans and Revolutionary War veterans, while my dad was born in Sweden, making him an immigrant. So I'm all over the place with this.)
America is based on our land and ideas - the ideas found in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
I do believe acting like an American can include some ethnic pride and involvement, having some ties to one's homeland. Heck, I do. I have a good time at Ikea - and make sure I have their Swedish meatball plate (which, BTW, is even as good as my Swedish grandmother's - yes). America is about diversity, and I think the country's better off for it.
OTOH, one's ethnic ties should be secondary to one's ties to this country, America. That just makes sense and is obvious. America comes first, with wherever you or your ancestors came from second. I would consider this acting like an American.
Yes, and I do think using English is part of acting like an American. Hey, my Swedish dad learned it.... My grandparents, the rest of my immigrant family.
All in all, it's a very good thing that we're giving more thought these days into what it means to be an American, and what is America.
Many middle-income Americans lack insurance: study
Not surprising, considering the cost. Also, not acceptable.
It'll be interesting to see how Massachusetts' new universal health care program works out.
A relevant website:
Monday, April 24, 2006
Kerry: Opposing Iraq War Is Patriotic
So why wasn't he making this obvioius statement before we invaded Iraq?
I even voted for Kerry in 2002 (frankly, mostly for lack of a better option), but perhaps Kerry does "waffle" as his opponent suggested during the presidential campaign.
I have found Democrats disappointing these past several years - more reactive than pro-active, and not standing up for what they believe - which is exactly what these days, anyway?
Although Al Gore bloomed after the 2000 "selection" - would that he had been during that 2000 campaign what he has been since... (sigh)
What would America be like now if Al Gore were in his second term, instead of George W. Bush??
I long for somebody like those guys with a lot of initials: FDR, JFK, even LBJ. They stood for something. They got things done. America was better off as a result of their actions (well, except for that Vietnam thing...! And Republican Barry Goldwater wouldn't have gone? He'd probably have dropped a nuclear bomb on North Vietnam. But I digress.)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Iraq one of 'worst disasters' of US foreign policy: Albright
From the article:
The former top US diplomat told the New York Times that Iraq's deposed leader Saddam Hussein "was horrible. But I did not think he was an imminent threat to the United States.
"You can't go to war with everybody you dislike," Albright continued.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
State Quake Commission Given a Jolt
Wrong, Arnold, wrong.
I can't believe he almost fired Dr. Lucy Jones, one of our dear TV news "quake ladies" - the experts we have counted on over the years to help us make sense of each earthquake.
Worse, what's this about downsizing earthquake safety?!
Wrong, Arnold, wrong.
Monday, April 17, 2006
L.A. Catholic Church loses battle over priest files
Good! Let's open things up; let's find out the truth.
If nothing's wrong, what's to hide?
(IMO, Mahoney's been wrong with this pedophile priest scandal, and wrong with many of his recent words and deeds regarding illegal immigration.)
Avalanche Prompts Search At Mammoth Mountain
Oh my! Mammoth was the scene of a tragedy just recently - with three killed, others have been killed and injured recently on Mammoth - and now this.
There are no reports yet of casualties. The avalanche happened only about 90 minutes ago.
States Help Schools Hide Minority Scores
States are helping public schools escape potential penalties by skirting the No Child Left Behind law's requirement that students of all races must show annual academic progress.
With the federal government's permission, schools aren't counting the test scores of nearly 2 million students when they report progress by racial groups, an Associated Press computer analysis found.
Minorities — who historically haven't fared as well as whites in testing — make up the vast majority of students whose scores are being excluded, AP found. And the numbers have been rising.
What's with this? This is not right.
IMHO, all the students' scores should be treated as a whole, with no singling out in regard to any category.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
US says gas cost to hit record
It really does appear to be time to get over our addiction to oil. (I actually do agree with Bush on this.)
This oil problem with its high prices is not going to go away. That's just plain reality.
Wonder if my next car should be a hybrid?
Maybe all the more reason not to get a second car - and get a bus pass instead?
I'm a strong believer in public transportation. Unfortunately SoCal does lag with this, but it is making an effort to catch up.
More walking would be good. All of us could use more exercise, after all.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Immigration rallies sweep US
I think the Christian Science Monitor was so right the other day when it wrote about the illegal immigration issue being so muddled with semantics.
"National Day of Action for Immigration Justice" the illegal immigrants and their supporters call today.
"Immigration Justice" more appropriately would be about those millions of immigrants who came here legally, played by the rules, obeyed our laws (what a concept!).
And, taking the word "Justice" - justice is about the law, fairness, what one rightfully deserves, what is just and merited, isn't it?
Again, illegal immigration has nothing to do with justice, and illegals demanding justice here in America, beyond basic human rights, of course, is out of line, actually unjust in itself. As illegals perhaps the justice they most deserve is being hauled back where they came from? (No, that's not a solution to the illegals problem. There are millions of illegals. It's not even practical.)
Again, as the daughter of an immigrant - a legal immigrant - I am truly offended by the demands and behavior of these illegal immigrant protesters.
Are there as many Mexican flags being flown today as in past demonstrations I'm wondering? Are protesters still wrapping themselves in the Mexican flag?
And, what message is that use of the Mexican flag sending?!
And yelling "Si se puede" - "Yes, we can." (roughly translated). Yes, they can what? No, they can't - who do they think they are?
Someone called the waving of the Mexican flag in the streets the equivalent of giving Americans the finger. Yeah, that's about right. Sure does makes us want to help out the illegals.
But, I digress. Remember, my ranting is not about immigrants - half my family was born in Sweden. I have nothing against immigrants, how can I? - including Mexican-American immigrants. (Piss me when they won't learn and speak English, though...) Immigrants are okay; it's illegal immigrants who are not.
Back to the beginning, so let's stick to using words according to their actual meaning, please. Such as what part of illegal is not being understood?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Walt Disney's Apartment
Something light and very California-y to get us through the wet and cold and the Mexican flags in the streets. Good old Walt...