Thursday, February 08, 2007

Winter Storm Approaches

For the National Weather Service/NOAA's animated view

Woo Hoo! See storm system at left - I'm somewhere under the California edge of all that. No rain here yet, but you can see it's well on its way. You should see what's in back of all that out in the Pacific heading this way as well. "Pineapple Express" time? Yippee. Winter's here at last!

I was getting sooooo sick - literally - from all that Santa Ana weather nonsense as a high-pressure system kept persisting in the "Four Corners"/Nevada area spinning and pumping its nasty, dry, dirty, dusty wind through our mountain canyons, and unto me and mine. There's been a run on eyedrops around here this Winter, lots of respiratory problems as well which had nothing to do with viruses.

At last, rain - water - to ease the dryness, and to clean away the dirt, dust, and nastiness we've had to deal with most of the Winter. Thank God. Finally we're having our Winter/Rainy Season. (And back to normal.)

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