Friday, December 30, 2005

O.C. Puts Its Spin on the Ball Drop - Los Angeles Times

O.C. Puts Its Spin on the Ball Drop - Los Angeles Times

Read about and see photos of the Big Pyrotechnic Orange which will be dropped in Orange County to bring in the New Year.

Amusing, also, is reading about the other New Year's objects dropped around the country: the 200 lb. tortilla chip (freshly deep-fried) which drops into salsa, the giant pickle, etc.

I'm going to try to see the fireworks from this Big Orange Extravaganza. Wish me luck.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Spying Said to Be Broader Than Reported

Spying Said to Be Broader Than Reported - Yahoo! News

Hmmm, Big Brother is watching?

Again, some more un-American, and perhaps un-Constitutional?, activities by the Bush administration.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Peace on Earth, Good Will to All!

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!

(I am wearing shorts today - green shorts, of course. You know, for Christmas. I love California in the wintertime!)

Carolyn - have some Holiday treats!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Congress pushes back, hard, against Bush |

Congress pushes back, hard, against Bush |

A good summary of recent news about our President and Congress.

A few related thoughts...

"Patriot Act" - what a strange name. It reminds me too much of how language was used in the novel "1984" by George Orwell - using language in the opposite of what it really means, as in "War is Peace", etc.

Much of the Patriot Act is extremely unpatriotic, as in un-American. I don't think I'm alone in feeling that I'd rather risk a terrorist attack then have the Government know our personal business, such as what books we buy, what books we take out from the library, etc. Something like this qualifies as a terrorist win. It is making us less American, isn't it?

Besides, it sounds like overkill, taking away so much privacy for just what gain, exactly?

In the meantime the 9/ll Commission's recommendations go ignored, Homeland Security remains underfunded on the local level (our first responders), our borders are leaky, our airplanes still aren't safe enough (is the cargo really checked?), what about our ports? Etc.

Another privacy issue - the secret eavesdropping that's just come to light. How American is this? And just how necessary is this, really?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Time Persons of 2005: Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono

Time Persons of 2005: Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono - Yahoo! News

I won't argue with this choice. It's also nice to see these Good Samaritans honored. They deserve our "thank you."

(A thought: Wouldn't it be scary if richest-person-in-the-world Bill Gates weren't a nice man?)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Gang Founder Claimed Innocence Until the End [& the death penalty]

Gang Founder Claimed Innocence Until the End - Yahoo! News

I'm no fan of Tookie Williams, and have no opinion about his guilt or innocence other than he was likely guilty and certainly deserved to be in prison, if for no other reason than for founding the Crips gang. This is not about Tookie.

What bothers me is that we still have a death penalty in this country - and, worse, that my state - which represents ME - has just used it, and is about to use it again, and even soon.

The death penalty is wrong. All the modern "civilized" countries of the world don't use it, why should we?

IMHO,Tookie should have stayed in prison for the rest of his life, that is, unless his innocence had been proven. (Although, there still is that founder of the Crips thing... I can't believe Williams could have done that and, at the same time, never have been guilty of crimes deserving of extended prison time.)

Well, good news, no riots in L.A. this morning. I like Jesse Jackson, but I sure wish he hadn't stirred the kettle so much with what he was saying about Tookie last night. Jeez... The man should stop and think a little about the possible violent and destructive consequences of his shooting his mouth off like that. Throwing a match into a tinder keg - why?

Friday, December 09, 2005

Investigators Study Site of Runway Crash

Investigators Study Site of Runway Crash - Yahoo! News

What a tragedy.

Not a surprise, however. In all my many, many flights in and out of Chicago I never even considered using Midway Airport. I thought of it as a little old backward airport really just for small private planes - Cessnas and the like. Many Chicagoans share this attitude, or did when I lived there many years ago. If you wanted to fly somewhere, you went to O'Hare.

As for the weather problem, no surprise either. Those snowstorms Chicago gets sometimes, like this one, when the snow is just pouring out of the sky so thick you can hardly see, are horrible to drive in, hard even to walk in.

I remember the white-outs, the blizzards, the driving sleet, the slush, the ice... The terror of trying to drive in all this - "terror" not being too strong a word, "trying" literally meaning maybe you can and maybe you can't. You try, you attempt it, you give it your best. Whether your car or the road or the other drivers prevent you from reaching your destination is another matter. I've done many a "fishtail", despite my best efforts, I've skid through stop signs to land mid-intersection, I've skidded off the road. This is winter driving in the Midwest. It ultimately is in God's hands. You come to realize and accept that.

It takes some toughness and courage to cope with Chicago weather. It's also why I still, after all these years, laugh at Southern Californians' attitude toward rain. Ooooo, *Winter Storm Watch* - we may get .10" of rain!! We may have an overnight low in the 40s! We may have to drive a little more carefully, and even, a little slower (then they don't do either!).

All in all, though, with this latest Chicago weather disaster, I've decided that it is less dangerous in California than it is in Illinois. The weather will kill you in a hundred different ways in Illinois. No doubt many more people have died in the past 100 years in Illinois from natural disasters (include weather!) than have died here in California from the same. We just have more spectacular disasters out here (quakes, mudslides, wildfires...).

I love Chicago, love it dearly, but, yeah, nice place to visit! I'm glad I'm here in my SoCal beach town. (I so not miss winter driving!)

NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Moves Stalled Robotic Arm

NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Moves Stalled Robotic Arm - Yahoo! News

The Mars Rovers - our Energizer Bunnies in Space, still hard at work exploring the Red Planet.

This is a NASA success story - these Rovers were supposed to stop functioning how long ago? years ago?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Streisand Cancels LA Times Subscription

Streisand Cancels LA Times Subscription - Yahoo! News

Remember my complaints about the firing of Michael Ramirez and Robert Scheer and the "dumbing down", IMO, of the L.A. Times Ed/Op sections?

Proof here that I am not at all alone. More important than Streisand's annoyance is the negative reponse in the vast majority of Letters to the Editor following this announcement. Yes, a bad move on the Times part.

Note that this is not an anti-liberal thing. Ramirez is rather conservative (he talked about it, even, when I interviewed him that time I discussed previously here.).

I'm not cancelling my subscription, though. I don't have a better option, no viable replacement.

Great Lakes near ecological breakdown: scientists

Great Lakes near ecological breakdown: scientists - Yahoo! News

This should be troubling for all Americans - and North Americans, but, I take this personally as having spent the first 35 years of my life in the Chicago area. I am very familiar with the Great Lakes, having spent much time in them, on them, and on their beaches. I also know that the Chicago area is dependent on Lake Michigan for its water supply. (OTOH, Chicago does have a great water filtration system, far better than what we have here in Orange County, CA.)

Needless to say, I certainly hope this unhappy situation can be turned around.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Dean: GOP Will Use Immigration to Divide

Dean: GOP Will Use Immigration to Divide - Yahoo! News

While Dean's rather a loose cannon (yes, I winced when he started his screaming that Primary night and wished he'd cut it out, 'cause it made him look a little too crazy), remember that he was the first Democrat to speak up and talk like one after 9/11 instead of sticking his finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing first, as most of the other Democrats do.

Anyway, the Dean headline: I don't like it. I think this is horse hockey, to be polite. What division? There's division in the Republican Party between the business people who appreciate the cheap illegal labor, and the Republicans concerned about the borders. As for the Democrats, when they're not too busy testing for which way the wind is blowing, are cautiously, as they are so often lately, trying to discern just where they're with at this issue. Ever the namby-pambys these days. We need another leader with lots of initials, perhaps: FDR, JFK, LBJ... Although Jimmy Carter's a good guy, in spite of his lack of initials ; )

A Leader.

This is one Democrat that does not appreciate illegal immigration - I think it is wrong and shouldn't be - and I am not alone. (Note that I am for immigration - I am the daughter of an immigrant! A legal immigrant, I might add, who learned English, became a citizen, always votes, fought in WWII, flies the *American* flag - not the Swedish of his homeland, celebrates Thanksgiving and 4th of July, etc.) I am really tired of those who whenever the "illegals" issue is brought up start yelling "racism." It's not about race! What race, anyway? There's no Mexican race. It's about legal vs. illegal. And, jeez, I wish more people would speak English instead of Spanish - at least want to. My family learned... I've helped scores of Vietnamese and Korean immigrants learn English - they wanted to learn, they knew it was important, "the language of opportunity" one student called it. But, anyway, I digress...

I don't agree with Dean - I don't think this is going to divide between the Republicans and the Democrats. This is not yet another "gay marriage" monkey wrench to throw into an election, to keep us from having serious discussion about the truly important issues facing this country.

I'm overdue for checking out that Kennedy-McCain proposal on this subject... Whatever these two can get together on can't be too bad...?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Newsview: Bush Nears Admission of Errors

Newsview: Bush Nears Admission of Errors - Yahoo! News

Another good look at the president's speech today.

Bush Attempts Hard Sell on Iraq Progress

Bush Attempts Hard Sell on Iraq Progress - Yahoo! News

I'm not sold, not at all.

"Plan for Victory" it said repeatedly on the background behind Bush. "Plan"? What plan? "Victory"? What victory? How is victory even defined in this so-called War on Terror in Iraq? Until we eliminate - one way or the other - all the Islamic extremists who hate us and want us dead? That may be when hell freezes over. Until the Iraqis can take care of themselves?

Where's the exit strategy?

When are the Iraqis going to stand on their own feet?

Reminds me of kids who have trouble becoming self-sufficient and independent, relying too much for too long on Mommy and Daddy to take care of them (it's so much easier and less work). An exit plan with a timetable - unannounced is fine - is needed, or this could drag on indefinitely, draining American lives and other resources. A troop reduction, gradual withdrawal, well-planned and thought out - I'm not advocating anything as rash as immediate total withdrawal.

Push the Iraqi birds out of the coalition nest already so we can bring our troops home. - First president�disappoints at auction

This is curious. One of these two Stuart portraits of George Washington didn't even sell.

Note that Gilbert Stuart is the artist who painted the portrait of Geo. Washington which graces our dollar bill.

This President George deserves a lot more respect, IMO.

Our current President George is nowhere in the same league.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Heart Association Offers CPR Guidelines

Heart Association Offers CPR Guidelines - Yahoo! News

Updated AHA advice is giving 30 chest compressions - instead of 15 - for every two rescue breaths.

More is better, apparently.

Bush to tackle illegal immigration

Bush to tackle illegal immigration - Yahoo! News

This will be interesting. This topic is also expected to be a big campaign issue in the 2006 elections. Of course, it's a big issue here in SoCal not so far from Mexico. We have about a jillion illegals. (70,000 turned out for the Mexican Independence Day parade in Santa Ana. Good grief - I wonder how many of these people turned out for any 4th of July parade?)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Wildfire threatens California community

Wildfire threatens California community - Yahoo! News

This is up in Ventura, northwest of The Valley.

This is a crummy day even down here - the kind of day you don't feel that great, the kind of day when your head, sinuses, eyes, skin, lungs, complain. The humidity is near non-existent, and it's too hot. Worse, the air is crappy, having too much dust and smoke in it.

But, I'm not one of those people directly affected by fire, thank God.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SUV-TV: Extreme Auto Makeover

SUV-TV: Extreme Auto Makeover

Another from The Meatrix people...

This is great, also. Very clever - even gives you choices as part of the extreme auto makeover.

(Hey, where's the spikey-haired guy's megaphone?)

Conan vs. the Kindergarten Cop

Conan vs. the Kindergarten Cop

Another excellent video by the makers of the well-done The Meatrix.

Arnold's split personality in this video is fascinating.

Subject of the video: overhauling California's youth prisons [needed]

Monday, November 14, 2005

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Schwarzenegger ends fight with California nurses

Schwarzenegger ends fight with California nurses - Yahoo! News

Good for Arnold.

I think we'll be seeing a kinder, gentler Arnold from now on. More like the kind of Arnold we had when he first took office. A more effective and liked Arnold. A more amiable and less combative Arnold. Maybe the old (cigar) smoking tent will be back.

This Arnold may get things done and could even get re-elected.

Bush calls drug benefit greatest advance

Bush calls drug benefit greatest advance - Yahoo! News

Yeah, right. Think again.

For example, my 65+ father has figured out, money-wise and over-all, that he is actually better off not taking advantage of this "greatest advance." I very suspect that he has a lot of company.

Let's get a good universal health care program in place in this country and stop screwing around and acting third-world, for God's sake, already!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Times Plans New Op-Ed Lineup - Los Angeles Times [Times continues its dumbing down?]

Times Plans New Op-Ed Lineup - Los Angeles Times

IMHO, the Times Op/Ed page, along with its counterpart in the Sunday Times, is losing its grip. Dumbing down. This subscriber is sorry to see this.

I'm also sorry to see Robert Scheer and Michael Ramirez let go.

As to (Pulitzer Prize-winning) Michael Ramirez, while most of the time I don't agree with his political views, I do respect him as an editorial cartoonist.

I also like and respect him as a man. As a college student I was required to interview someone in my career field. I picked Michael Ramirez and sent him an E-Mail requesting the interview. He sent me his phone number and we talked. Ramirez was gracious and generous with his time. Very helpful and told me not to hesitate to contact him for help in the future. I was very impressed that he would take so much time and trouble to talk to mere me, art student.

I'll point out that Ramirez emphasized to me the importance of editorial cartooning, and how he felt it was an important tradition that needed to be carried on.

He didn't need to convince me - I totally agree. If you visit my website's Weekly Wazzup Page and News & Views Page you'll notice the links to editorial cartoons.

And, I do hope the Times will smarten up instead of continuing to dumb down... Please.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Voters just say no - Los Angeles Times Editorial

Voters just say no - Los Angeles Times

The results of this election are no surprise to anyone. Well, possibly Arnold.

Arnold lost me when he started painting nurses, teachers, cops, and firefighters as villans he had to defeat for the betterment of California.

Arnold's whole concept of bypassing the stubborn, Democratic-majority legislature and going directly to The People (his People, so he thought) via a slew of propositions simply was not a good idea. We citizens just didn't like this election and were not thrilled by these props.

Consider also: Californians in general are getting sick of special elections and getting sick of too much government by ballot initiative. We elect and pay our government to do the job of running the state - so why don't they? It's their job, not ours.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Californians, Schwarzenegger vote in key election

Californians, Schwarzenegger vote in key election - Yahoo! News

I'll be sooo glad to see all those Proposition TV commercials gone. There were so many - both from Arnold's side and from the unions' side. Oh, and a ton from the drug companies supporting Prop #78, the anti-#79 health-care Prop.

Of course, we heard the most from the those with the most money. That doesn't seem right, somehow, does it?

So, now, why was the turn-out so high at my polling place? Curious.

Elections to gauge political climate

Elections to gauge political climate - Yahoo! News


This is a big deal for California in that Arnold - and the Republican Party - will be profoundly affected by the outcome. It's about more than the Props - it's really about our Republican governor - Arnold.

I was surprised at the high turn-out at my polling place. I wonder why?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Don't Forget the Election Tomorrow, Californians!

(My goodness - they even have the 2006 Gubernatorial Election info up already!)

Please vote "No" on Proposition #78 and "Yes" on Proposition #79.

These are the Health Care Propositions. Do you want the Drug Companies' Proposition 78 or the Consumers' Proposition 79?

If you want to know why there are a billion TV commercials tauting "78", while there's almost no advertising for "79"?, well, look at how much money Big Drugs has.

Note that the AARP encourages a "No" vote on "78." Note also that the LWV, as well as many senior and consumer advocacy groups support "79."

And, while you're at it, vote "No" on Prop #76. It's not the answer to California's budget problems. Furthermore, we don't need a governor - Arnold or anyone - with more power than our governor presently has. Our three branches of government with its checks and balances is a wonderful thing - let's not mess with it.

Gigantic Apes Coexisted with Early Humans, Study Finds

Gigantic Apes Coexisted with Early Humans, Study Finds - Yahoo! News

Whoa, imagine living around ten foot tall apes weighing up to 1,200 lbs.! Happily, they were herbivores.

This largest-ever ape may possibly be the source of speculation about Bigfoot - and even, King Kong.

Much of historical interest in the news last weekend.

Ancient Church Discovered in Israel on Yahoo! News Photos

Ancient Church Discovered in Israel on Yahoo! News Photos

Neat photo from the important historical find in Israel.

Always good to find out still more about early Christianity, IMO.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Japan to launch quake warning system next year

Japan to launch quake warning system next year - Yahoo! News

Interesting. If the Japanese can do it, I'm sure we can, too. And, yes, we need it. Also, how about doing something about earthquakes in all of the world? Such as quake-proof housing and warning systems like Japan's? Why not?

Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 'Can I quit now?' FEMA chief wrote as Katrina raged - 'Can I quit now?' FEMA chief wrote as Katrina raged - Nov 3, 2005

This is plain shocking and disgusting.

How'd a guy like this ever get into a job like this?

More importantly, how can we make sure such a thing never happens again?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Republican wants Big Oil to share 10 pct profits

Republican wants Big Oil to share 10 pct profits - Yahoo! News

Wow. Excellent idea, but unbelievable. As in "when Hell freezes over" kind of unbelievable.

And this is a Republican who came up with this?

Bush critics say US is losing war on terror [Losing the war of ideas]

Bush critics say US is losing war on terror - Yahoo! News

Remember back when people talked about the War on Terror really being a War of Ideas?

At core, hasn't it always been a matter of radical Muslim extremists bent on their jihad against the, as they see it, infidels?

The radical Muslim extremists have their idea of how the world should be, and the rest of us (non-radical Muslims as well) think otherwise, thereby making us the enemy infidels.

So, there are opposing ideas of right and wrong, and of how people should live.

We haven't been doing so well on our side impressing the world with how our ideas are so much better than the jihadists. We have not won over the hearts and souls of the people of Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.

From the article:

"We have had some very important successes getting individual terrorists. But I think the broader story is really quite awful. We have done a lot to fuel the fires, and we have done a lot to encourage people to hate us"...

And this from the article: "And not even al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, they say, could have dreamed the United States would stumble so badly in the court of Muslim public opinion."

Note that this article does end with some suggestions on how we can improve our odds in this War of Ideas.

After all, we will never "simply" hunt down and kill all the jihadists - there will always be more. That is why this War on Terror is really about a War of Ideas.

Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting

Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting - Yahoo! News

Okay, now I'm pissed at my fellow Democrats.

Why have the Senate Democrats suddenly noticed that maybe we should not have invaded Iraq?

I recall that most of them - almost all of them - approved the Iraq invasion.

These Democrats are acting like girlie men. They're taking advantage of Bush being down (poll numbers, etc.) and are kicking him.

But, why now? Why not back when it counted?! The wusses.

Bush Outlines $7.1B Flu-Fighting Strategy

Bush Outlines $7.1B Flu-Fighting Strategy - Yahoo! News

Okay, maybe I'm entirely wrong, but why does my gut instinct tell me that this action of our president is more political than anything else?

That perhaps Bush sees this as a way to make himself look better (something he badly needs right now)?

Remember when he used to say "9/11" at the drop of a hat, many times, about almost anything?

Being gung-ho against the bird flu might also help him make up for his Katrina and FEMA mistakes.

I just hope Bush isn't digging us still deeper into the deficit hole with this new $7.1 billion spending.

So, is Bush crying "Chicken Little" at our expense, or not?

OTOH, I'll admit if there truly is a serious avion flu epidemic, then I would owe Mr. Bush an apology and my gratitude for his preparation efforts.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Fed Plan on Protecting Ports Is Delayed

Fed Plan on Protecting Ports Is Delayed - Yahoo! News

I take this personally.

What's the deal with this, anyway?

What's with so-called Homeland Security?!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

White Sox sweep World Series !!!

White Sox sweep World Series - Yahoo! News

Those are my exclamation points.

My hometown team has finally done it. This is a joyous thing for all Chicagoans - northside or southside, residents and former residents. Something like this has never happened in my lifetime (or in most people's lifetimes). You go Sox.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thought this surfer might be from our own Orange Coast beaches, but...

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms on Yahoo! News Photos

...this is a dude surfing off a New York City beach! Look at the size of that wave, too.

Strange weather the U.S. has been having this year...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq

U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq - Yahoo! News

Title pretty much tells it all.

Also, let's not forget the many troops seriously wounded and even maimed in this war.

Monday, October 17, 2005 - MLB - 2005 Postseason - White Sox fans celebrate - MLB - 2005 Postseason - White Sox fans celebrate rare pennant - Monday October 17, 2005 12:28AM

Gee, not sure if I'm still a bummed Angels fan, or am starting to be a happy Sox fan...

This is pretty exciting stuff if you're from Chicago, as well as remember those famous 1959 Sox. Nellie Fox, 2B, my favorite. Luis Aparicio, SS, my next favorite. I was so little then, this exciting 1959 season was when and how I first learned about baseball.

Still wondering how Cubs fans are reacting...

MLB - Chicago White Sox/Los Angeles Angels Recap - Sox Win Pennant

From SoCal mid Severe Weather Alert - Winter Storm (OIOW, it's raining.)

This has been a conflicted pennant series for me - I'm an Angel fan, but was a Sox fan in my Chicago childhood.

In fact, I'll confess to cheering on the Go Go White Sox in that 1959 series. I haven't forgiven the Dodgers since, in spite of the fact that I now live in L.A.

So, I was an Angels fan during the play-offs, but will now put on my Chicago (White Sox) "hat" for the World Series. Hey, maybe the Sox can do this time what they couldn't do back in 1959? And, I have to wait this long for them to do it? (OTOH, I'm also a Cubs fan, so 'nuff said. If the Cubs can win one before I'm dead, it would be a good thing, seriously.)

So, bummed about the Angels loss. They folded after that goofy ump call a few games back, the wusses. And where was The Man from Vlad, the All-Star, the Angels' big bucks player? El Guerrero, The Warrior? The Angels were not hitting; their pitching fell apart at the end. While the Sox pitching was near-miracle. How many complete games did their starters have at the end? The Sox got the job done; the Angels did not.

Baseball fans in Chicago must be eating this up. They have died and gone to heaven, believe me. Ha, I wonder if even the Cubs fans are supporting the South-Siders?

Now, on to my sweet home Chicago and the World Series...!

Friday, October 14, 2005 - the Brothers are back with - Big Box Mart [WalMart]

The JibJab Bros. do it again with their new Big Box Mart taking a jab at WalMart - and the like, the trade deficit, consumers...

See WalMart shoppers - through a long, sad, but accurate, chain of events - become WalMart employees.

All done to music, in the JibJab style.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

White Sox get a tainted win - MLB - 2005 Postseason - White Sox even ALCS on controversial call - Thursday October 13, 2005 2:54AM

[First, about my POV. I live in Orange County, CA and have Angels pennants hanging in two of my apartment windows as I speak. But, I'm from the Chicago area and was a full-on White Sox fan as a child. So, while I was only too glad to see the wretched Yankees go down, my loyalties are a little more blurred this time around, as my old hometown team plays my "new" hometown team. So it doesn't matter as much to me who wins this series, not as much as it did to whupping those stuck-on-themselves damn Yankees.]

Okay, I agree with Angels Manager Mike S (excuse me while I don't even try to spell his last name) that if the Angels had played better last night that bizarre umpire call wouldn't have mattered. And I do believe that rookie Angels catcher Josh Paul didn't handle that play in the best manner possible. But, even so - what the heck was that? More than anything, IMHO: a case of umpire error. I am certainly not alone in that opinion.

Now, if the Angels go on to win the playoffs, it won't matter.

If the Sox go on to win the playoffs, it'll matter more.

If the Sox go on to win the playoffs, but lose the World Series, then it'll matter a little less.

However, if the Sox go on to win the World Series, then it will matter (in a baseball kind of way) hugely and will go down in Baseball History. Or, should I say, Infamy?

Yes, it will be interesting to see how the Angels fans (a huge, enthusiastic bunch) will response to the Sox as they take the field tomorrow in Anaheim.

US ignored forecasts of Iraqi ethnic turmoil-CIA

US ignored forecasts of Iraqi ethnic turmoil-CIA - Yahoo! News

Hmmm, I thought the Administration merely disregarded it. I didn't realize it was a matter of paying "scant attention." A shrugged off "whatever..."?

So, why didn't they consider this Iraqi turmoil? Jeez, even I did. Our Government is supposed to be smart - we elect them to do that - so what's the deal?

Monday, October 10, 2005 - Aid agencies working in the quake zone/Earthquakes - Aid agencies working in the quake zone - Oct 10, 2005

Help is needed now. ASAP. Needed badly. Please do help.

Some thoughts on the Pakistan earthquake...

Thought #1:

Isn't there some way Third World countries can build their buildings "quake-proof"? Isn't there some way it can be done effectively, while at the same time affordably? Seems there should be if people would just put on their thinking caps about it.

Note that the U.S. and Japan have 6- and 7-magnitude quakes often - and what kind of death tolls do we have? I can't remember over a hundred victims for a quake here in Calif. There's usually a couple of deaths because the quake scares the people to death (aka heart attacks). The few buildings which do fall apart are usually old ones that were not yet retrofitted. We know better than to build our buildings with brick or stone, as so many buildings Back East can get away with. Loosely-built woodframe is what most residences are here. Buildings with a lot of give, that can sway and creak and rattle - without falling apart. Not as weather-proof as Back East, but considering the climate here and the quake factor, that's okay.

Bottom line: why can't a way be found for quake-proof buildings for, as the Spanish say, todo el mundo? For everybody - for all the world. Why not?!

Thought #2:

There must be Muslims interpreting this awful earthquake as Allah's Will. Interesting implications to this.

Along that line, isn't (wasn't) Bin Laden living in some cave in this area? I wonder how he is.

Consider the implications if Bin Laden happend to be killed in this earthquake. (Also, see "Allah's Will" mentioned above.)

Thought #3:

Closely related to Thought #2.

If we were extremely generous and helpful to these Pakistan area quake survivors, wouldn't it be awfully hard for Al Qaeda and the other jihadists to consider us the "Spawn of Satan." How could they keep declaring us Evil when we do so much Good for them in their time of need? (Factor in also how helpful we were to the Muslims in the tsunami.) Being good to them weakens their arguments of how evil we are. Not to sound too evangelical, but wasn't this Jesus' teaching and M.O.? Guess what - maybe he was right, maybe it really works! What a concept.

Thoughts done, except for, let's just help out these Pakistan area quake survivors, anyway. Regardless of any of the above, just because they're our fellow human beings, our neighbors on this Planet.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Go Angels! Go Halos!

Whip that best team that money can buy. Damn Yankees. - Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy complains about money, Iraq tactics - Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy complains about money, Iraq tactics - Oct 7, 2005

In all fairness.

An interesting article. Quoting:

"The lengthy communication was said to detail the strategy of Muslim extremists to push the United States out of Iraq and establish an Islamic state that could expand its form of governance to neighboring countries, Whitman said."

Theocracy wouldn't surprise me one bit, as Iraq appears to be moving in that direction on its own.

There's a big difference between Islamic theocracy and the extremist, militant theocracy of Al Qaeda, however. (Not that either is to be desired, in my American opinion.)

According to al-Zawahiri, the writer of this letter...

"...the suicide bombings of Muslim civilians, may risk alienating the "Muslim masses"..."

Well, duh.

It's good to hear that al-Zawahiri and the Al Qaeda are feeling bummed and blue these days, as well as broke. I wish them more of the same!

Note that extremism and evil loses out, eventually. The rub is the "eventually."

Donning Clerical Collar, Danforth Slams GOP's Religious Rhetoric --

Donning Clerical Collar, Danforth Slams GOP's Religious Rhetoric --

And Danforth's a Republican as well as an ordained Episcopal priest, in addition to being a former senator and UN ambassador.

This could also be considered related to that business of "Holy War", God speaking to GWB, defining Christianity, etc. I posted earlier.

Quoting the article and Danforth:

"Right there in the midst of all the partisanship, in the midst of all the nastiness, right there with their wedge issues and litmus tests and extreme rhetoric, right there as the most divisive force in American life, are my fellow Christians."


In framing his central question -- "Is religion essentially divisive or uniting?" -- Danforth said his goal is to generate response and stir an overdue national discussion. When asked what's at stake, Danforth answered: "One of the biggest issues of our time is the role of religion in creating divisiveness to the point of bloodshed. And so what's the future?" (the emphasis is mine)


"If they [people of faith] believe that the purpose of religion is to hold us together, then the second step is to then think of what we're doing now that works in the other direction, and what we can do to create a sense of greater inclusiveness and tolerance," said Danforth."

BBC NEWS | Americas | White House denies Bush God claim

BBC NEWS | Americas | White House denies Bush God claim

Very interesting news video here from the BBC with the producer of the series in question being interviewed. Video clips are also shown of the actual controversial statements.

I am much more convinced now that GWB actually did say these things.

Note that the BBC in this article uses the term "Holy War." Food for thought: The Al Qaeda and their gang already consider themselves fighting a Holy War against us. Could it be possible that GWB is fighting something of a Holy War against them?

Weren't The Crusades over many centuries ago? (And, thank God.)

Regardless, I don't see GWB as representing Christianity. Certainly not what Jesus talks about in the Gospels. I certainly, as a Christian, don't want to be lumped into GWB's brand of Christianity!

Further food for thought: Consider the separation of Church and State. Does this fit into this??

White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration [Man on a Mission - from God?]

White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration - Yahoo! News

For the other side of the story, from White House spokesman, Scott McClellean.

I remain unconvinced, this rebuttal sounds like damage control.

See the photo in the article. Is this GWB listening for God's instructions?

From the article:

"Shaath, now the Palestinian information minister, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God'."

I'm reminded of the Blues Brothers movie. Dan Ackroyd, one of the Brothers, kept saying, with a straight face: "We are on a mission from God."

We thought it was funny then, because it sounded so overblown and incongruous.

To hear it from U.S. President George W. Bush, Leader of the Free World, is just plain creepy. Scary.

Who is GWB to be such an expert at interpreting God's will, anyway? God's will for the United States and for all of the World?

No, it's all just creepy.

I'll be looking for this BBC series to check this out for myself.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Norm Ornstein: What's Next? - Yahoo! News

Norm Ornstein: What's Next? - Yahoo! News

Well, here it is, already...

From the blog above:

"In a move that stunned the international financial community, President George W. Bush today announced that Stanley A. Weinberg was his choice to replace Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Weinberg is Mr. Bush's longtime personal financial advisor at Morgan Stanley. "He's like a member of the family," Bush said."

Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq, Afghanistan: BBC - Yahoo! News

Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq, Afghanistan: BBC - Yahoo! News

All I can say is.... "Whaaaa....?!"

GWB is starting to scare me.

What does he think God is going to tell him to do next?!

Bush: Militants Seek to Establish Empire

Bush: Militants Seek to Establish Empire - Yahoo! News

Quoting Bush from this article:

"The terrorists regard Iraq as the central front in the war against humanity. And we must recognize Iraq as the central front in our war on terror," he said.

That doesn't really make sense, IMHO. Guess Bush is running out of excuses for the American presence in Iraq.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush Considers Military Role in Flu Fight

Bush Considers Military Role in Flu Fight - Yahoo! News

At first I wasn't sure I was reading this right.

Would this be about using military weapons instead of vaccines to kill flu viruses?!Huh?

Then I started reading the article. "[GWB]...suggested dispatching American troops to enforce quarantines in any areas with outbreaks of the killer virus." Whaa...?

Rumors have it that GWB has been hitting the bottle again. Well, first, there's the Supreme Court judge nomination of his personal lawyer (another one of his buddies?)who has never been a judge. Then, there's this. All in only two days.

Monday, October 03, 2005 - John Donovan: Yankees-Angels ALDS preview - Writers - John Donovan: Yankees-Angels ALDS preview - Monday October 3, 2005 4:37PM

Looking forward to this game tomorrow. Go Halos!

(It's always fun to see the Yankees' butts kicked, anyway...)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

L.A. Could Use Breath of Fresh Air - Los Angeles Times

L.A. Could Use Breath of Fresh Air - Los Angeles Times

More on dealing with the poor air quality related to the fires. Also fire updates.

Our firefighters, once again, have done an amazing job of saving life and property.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Forecast - South Coast Air Quality Management District [Smoke Gets in Your Eyes in SoCal]


Okay, I'm a weather and air-quality geek.

These are ugly numbers here. Much higher than average. (I feel the AQI whenever it's over 50.)

This confirms what I just blogged.

AIRNow - Air Quality Conditions & Forecasts - Los Angeles and Orange Co. Coastal, CA

AIRNow - Air Quality Conditions & Forecasts - Los Angeles and Orange Co. Coastal, CA

Oh, crap!

Look at that particles pollution. Well, the weathermen last night did say all of the LA area's air quality would be affected by these fires, with their resulting ash and smoke.

This likely won't get too noticeable for this old asthmatic until mid-afternoon. God bless Advair and Proventil. And, maybe I won't feel too guilty if I feel the need for a lie-down, if breathing and fatigue become a problem, as it was a bit yesterday.

No AC here, BTW. Expected not to be needed here by the ocean - but, actually, we really do need it nowadays.

Fire Is Still Out of Control; Most Homes Spared So Far - Los Angeles Times

Fire Is Still Out of Control; Most Homes Spared So Far - Los Angeles Times

We have wonderful firefighters around here!

Yes, local KCAL-TV is not longer The Fire Channel it was yesterday.

Accounts of N.Orleans violence questioned

Accounts of N.Orleans violence questioned - Yahoo! News

So maybe things weren't quite as bad at the NO Convention Center and the Superdome as we thought?

Curious. Good news, of course, if it's true. Seems there might have been some exaggerating going on.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Flames Drive Southland Residents From Homes - Los Angeles Times

Flames Drive Southland Residents From Homes - Los Angeles Times

Good news source for LA fires.

Jeez, if the Topanga fire jumps the 101 it might head into Malibu.

PS: Hubby says he could see the smoke from the fires as he drove down the 405 from Costa Mesa.

Raging brush fire threatens Los Angeles area homes

Raging brush fire threatens Los Angeles area homes - Yahoo! News

Up in the Valley. Those folks have my sympathy.

It's those Devil Winds - the Santa Anas. They've been bad the past couple of days. This is the most common time of the year for them, coming at the same time that we're the driest. Yes, it's Fire Season.

Note that I'm finding it ironic that our heroic firefighters are displaying just how wonderful they are at the very same time Arnold wants to pass a Proposition against them. And how much of chance will this anti-firefighters Prop have at November's election? I'm guessing, not a chance in hell.

Recipe for perfect sandcastle

Recipe for perfect sandcastle - Yahoo! News

Okay, on the coast - any coast - this matters. Sorta.

For sandcastles ----> 8 parts sand to 1 part water.

Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force: poll

Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force: poll - Yahoo! News

Democracy is not something which can be forced upon people - it's more an idea. An idea which people may - or may not - wish for their government. For some - perhaps the Iraqis -it may not even be possible.

I'm wondering if government by the people, for the people, in the Middle East turns out to be mostly religious groups fighting against other religious groups?

Isn't monarchy and theocracy popular in the Middle East? Or at least, accepted? And functional?

In sum, they're not like us. What works for us may not work for them.

Besides, I doubt if the spread of democracy was Bush's original intention for invading Iraq. Since he couldn't pin down either 9/11 or WMDs as an excuse, now spreading democracy is the best excuse he can come up with for our troops being there.

(If Bush were really serious about spreading democracy, what about Cuba, just off our border? Not that I'm suggesting he do anything about Cuba, but see my point?)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

FEMA's Brown Was Warned Early of Shortages [More FEMA horror stories]

FEMA's Brown Was Warned Early of Shortages - Yahoo! News

Please, one way or the other, let's get FEMA fixed and functional! ASAP.

FEMA Under Fire Again for Rita Effort

FEMA Under Fire Again for Rita Effort - Yahoo! News

From the article:

"But the agency was not ready for the roughly 1,500 people displaced by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina who sought help at the Houston center when it reopened Wednesday."

Well, DUH... This is exactly what people are going to do ASAP.

The saddest part about this is that people are standing in hours-long lines in the extreme heat. (This has potential to be a disaster in itself...)

Results from the Beliefnet survey asking, 'What's God's role in natural disasters?' --

Results from the Beliefnet survey asking, 'What's God's role in natural disasters?' --

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Pat Oliphant [Bush & the Gulf Coast]

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Pat Oliphant on Yahoo! News

I've loved Oliphant since I was a kid (about a million years ago).

Note that Oliphant always shows GWB as a little boy.

Monday, September 26, 2005 - How many more Mike Browns are out there? - How many more Mike Browns are out there? - Sep 26, 2005


Is Michael Brown, the disgraced and unqualified recent head of FEMA, only the tip of the iceberg?

Cronyism run amok?

How much of our government is run by social bonds instead of by qualification?!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

At ABBA, Go Left to SpongeBob [naming on Mars, as well as back to the Rovers]

At ABBA, Go Left to SpongeBob - Yahoo! News

I wrote so much about the intrepid and inexhaustible Martian Rovers last year, here's something new.

(Gee, I wonder what on Mars is named after our square yellow Spongebob?)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Poll: Storm Changed Americans' Attitudes

Poll: Storm Changed Americans' Attitudes - Yahoo! News

I totally believe this.

I think we'll have profound change for years, perhaps decades. Some of the change will be for the better - as with 9/11, we Americans will grow up some more. We'll be more spiritual, have better priorities and values, be less materialistic, perhaps better at loving our neighbor.

We've learned some things about poverty and about race. Frankly, my guess is that many Americans have never seen so many ordinary, everyday African-American people -families - in one week than they've seen maybe ever? And that poverty spans races and that so many of the poor are children, family, the disabled, the sick, the elderly.

We've learned that FEMA/Homeland Security doesn't work. Maybe it's better now, but it failed Katrina. We've learned that a president can actually put a friend of a friend and a very unqualified individual in charge of managing our country's emergencies. That's scary. So much for our feelings of safety and trust. I think government generally - at all levels - has taken a hit from its handling of Katrina.

Along those lines, we've learned the value of being self-sufficient, as in having our disaster preparation and plans in order ahead of time. We know we have to take care of ourselves - and our neighbors.

(This Democrat is surprised to hear me saying these things.)

The probable change for the worse could include an even bigger divide between the haves and havenots. There will be many more havenots. Our economy is likely to worsen. All but the wealthy will be doing some belt-tightening, if we aren't already.

And, I think all of the above will make even more Americans think we should stop wasting lives and money on Iraq. I think more people will feel we have far too many of our own problems, and our own people, to tend to now.

How about looking into this hurricane thing? Why? Can we do anything about it? How? And what about global warming?

That's just a start in regard to changing American attitudes.

Please forgive so much rambling, especially from someone on the other end of the country. These are strange times.

Houston Residents Struggle to Get Inland

Houston Residents Struggle to Get Inland - Yahoo! News

Interesting how Texans have learned from LA and MS Katrina mistakes, evacuating hospitals and nursing homes early, providing buses and other transportation for the "car-less", etc.

But, how to handle the traffic of a mass exodus of a major city is not working so well right now. Not good to be sitting in a traffic jam so long you run out of gas, in the meantime a hurricane is approaching.

Forgive the strange dark thought, but - given enough hurricanes, we just may get this disaster thing right some day?

Public pressure mounts for Bush to curtail Iraq war after Katrina disaster - Yahoo! Canada

Interesting take from another angle - Canada. - Rita Projected Paths & Satellite Views - Map Navigator - Projected Path

As I write, traffic jams and people running out of gas, literally, are a problem in Texas. Also, Rita has taken a slight turn toward the right, or east.

An aside: I sure am glad that Jet Blue plane landed safely at LAX. Glad for the people involved, and glad for me, as there is just too much disaster news lately. It leaves one with a near Armageddon feeling. No doubt I'm not alone in this sentiment. So, the happy outcome at LAX was especially refreshing and uplifting.

Related aside to the aside: There are times when one can watch too much CNN and read too much news. Now is one of those times.

Aside #3 - Apology for having asides that are longer than my message!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rita Swirls Into 165-Mph Monster in Gulf

Good God.

I think CNN's Aaron Brown said it best recently: "When will hurricane season be over?"

My thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out to all the people along the Gulf Coast.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Surfline Photo Gallery - Southern California/Lightning over HB pier

Surfline Photo Gallery - Southern California/Lightning over HB pier

Wow - great photo. Check it out.

See, told ya we've been having weather here.

In Huntington Beach, storms from a hurricane! Check it out.

Surfline | Golden West, HB

What the bleep is the US coming to?

We've been having rip-roarin' thunderstorms here in OC, thunderboomers nearly Midwest-like.

For one thing, why is it even raining? Now is not the rainy season, and it hasn't rained in months.

The media says this odd stormy weather is from Hurricane (Typhoon?) Max, west of Mexico.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq, Katrina, budget

Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq, Katrina, budget - Yahoo! News

You go, Bill.

For all his shortcomings, during his presidency we achieved a budget surplus and FEMA worked.

Gee, I miss having an intelligent, competent, and articulate president...

The bucks start here: Bush's plan raises questions

The bucks start here: Bush's plan raises questions - Yahoo! News

I'm all for a generous amount of money being available for restoring the Gulf Coast. Recovery costs big bucks.

But... How?

= Former President Clinton has called for a rolling back of those recent Bush tax cuts. Could be a good idea.

= A really good way to get some money is to get out of the war in Iraq.

= Likely some new taxes as well as some cuts in governmental spending. "Tax" is really not a swear word. Best avoided, but under the right circumstances, not such a bad thing! IMHO. Our wealthy are not taxed nearly enough, anyway.

= Let's please not increase our national budget deficit. It's already the largest it's ever been. I might argue that "deficit" is a swear word. We're on the way to maxing out Uncle Sam's credit cards.

= A really good way to get some money is to get out of the war in Iraq. Yes, I said that before, but it's well worth repeating.

Now, let's hope and pray that the impending Hurricane Rita doesn't add to the Gulf Coast disaster...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Increase in Major Hurricanes Linked to Warmer Seas

Increase in Major Hurricanes Linked to Warmer Seas - Yahoo! News

And we all know why the seas are warmer...

Note that we are already up to the letter "O" in the hurricane names.

Newport's War on Sea Lions - Los Angeles Times

Newport's War on Sea Lions - Los Angeles Times

California animals in the news again. (BTW, Little Reggie the gator was caught. I believe Reggie, the first gator, is still on the lamb.)

I'm on the side of the sea lions, frankly. Like I'm going to feel sorry for a bunch of fat cats with boats in Newport Harbor...

I've had the pleasure of meeting up with these sea lions in question as I passed by a buoy piled up and dripping with them. Yes, they certainly are right at home in this harbor. Or, at least, they think they are!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Major [California] Quake Could Be Worse Than Katrina

Major Quake Could Be Worse Than Katrina - Yahoo! News

This is nothing new for Californians - more a reminder.

Talking about our impending major quakes: A good idea. Maybe this will kick some butts in the CA government toward getting going with finishing that retrofitting, and quake prep in general.

Again, how's your quake prep?

Back to that Orange County Terrorist...

See my previous post.

It's somehow ironic and even surreal that this Al Qaeda dude was from Garden Grove - the home of Robert Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral.

Also, Garden Grove is next-door to Anaheim - home of Disneyland, the Anaheim (er, Los Angeles) Angels, the Mighty Ducks with their Duck Pond.

Our local airport is named after John Wayne and features a bronze statue of him in cowboy-mode. Best-selling Christian Rick Warren is down the road.

And this is a breeding ground for Al Qaeda terrorists, who talk about making our blood run and slitting our throats? Guess so!

(So, what are we doing in Iraq...?)

My head spins.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

New tape threatens attacks on L.A., Melbourne (Spokesman from Orange County!)

New tape threatens attacks on L.A., Melbourne - Yahoo! News

Note that this is the second time this Al Qaeda terrorist has felt the need to threaten his fellow Americans.

Why are we fighting in Iraq when the Al Qaeda is right here at home?

I wonder where in Orange County this traitor's from? He is not a good neighbor!


Pissed from Orange County

Friday, September 09, 2005

Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000

Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000 - Yahoo! News


Good news, also, that we may be having a new and improved FEMA head soon.

Thursday, September 08, 2005 - FBI: Hurricane relief Internet scams proliferate - FBI: Hurricane relief Internet scams proliferate - Sep 8, 2005

Jeez, the scumbags!

Must be the same people who fill my Yahoo "Bulk Folder" with their phishing and their Nigerian what-its and whatevers. I look at the headers only long enough to note that they're trash, then treat them accordingly, as I'm sure you do, too.

I thought it was interesting how I had to submit a long and legal agreement to the Red Cross in order to be able to use one of their Web banners. I concluded it was the donation aspect - the money aspect - that caused the Red Cross to be so careful. I can appreciate that.

Anyway, please do be careful to whom you donate. It is so easy to set up a website and Photoshop anything into whatever (remember, I have a graphic-design business, I know), that it is so easy to be fooled. Have you received any phishing yet, fake PayPal, eBay, or Yahoo E-Mails? They look very, very real, even to this graphic professional. I almost got fooled by one. Helps to check the "full headers" to see where they're really from. It also helps to go directly to eBay, PayPal, etc. to do business with them. Go directly to their sites instead; don't click that supposed link to their site in that questionable E-Mail. OIOW, when in doubt about a phony or a phish, just go directly to the eBay, or PayPal, or Yahoo, etc. websites to see what they want.

Also, I recommend sticking with the trusted charities you've long known, such as the Red Cross. Charities which already have a good reputation and a long record of good deeds.

Second Gator Gives Wranglers Slip - Los Angeles Times

Second Gator Gives Wranglers Slip - Los Angeles Times

Some lighter news after the apocalypse foreseen of the last post!

So Reggie the Gator, who stills remains at large in spite of all kinds of experts trying to catch him, has been joined by "Little Reggie."

This is California, right? The Alligator(s) saga continues...

California Earthquake Could Be the Next Katrina - Los Angeles Times

California Earthquake Could Be the Next Katrina - Los Angeles Times

Spooky - consider this. The following is almost like the devil's to-do list. As discussed in this article, FEMA forecast in August 2001 [note the date!] the three most likely catastrophes to strike the US, in order of likelihood:

(1) terrorist attack in NYC [DONE - almost immediately]
(2) major hurricane striking New Orleans [DONE]
(3) major earthquake on the San Andreas fault

A sobering article for Californians. Although this is something we've always known, just prefer not to think about any more than we have to.

Key for California, IMHO: retrofit structures and be prepared (How's your disaster kit?)

That disaster kit business applies to ALL Americans. Is anywhere immune to disaster? Heck, we've dipped into our disaster supplies during power outages and water-shut downs (the latter far too common in my apartment complex!). The emergency supplies were a godsend.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit

FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit - Yahoo! News

What the heck?!

Reportedly, Brown also didn't know about the people hunkered down in the convention center, either, until the Press convinced him. "Rumors" he called it, I believe.

Ever one to look for the silver lining in anything, the good here is that we know just how stupid and incompetent we are regarding major natural disasters, as well as how stupid and incompetent we'd likely be in the event of a terrorist attack.

The first-responders, and the other folks on the ground, so to speak, have been wonderful - as usual. Their only lack, IMHO, has been a lack of adequate and timely direction from the folks in charge.

There's been a failure of leadership. Of governmental leadership. Of governmental leadership when it's needed most.

Bottom line: Let's fix this, and not have it happen again!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor

Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News

You know, or you may recall, that a big part of the reason Bush Sr. wasn't re-elected to the Presidency was his lack of understanding, with its resulting lack of empathy, for not only the poor, but even for the middle-class. What recession? was his attitude.

Now we've got Mother Bush and what she says in this article, and GW having always displayed his own lack of understanding (of most everything, actually, but I digress...).

The Bushes are an old-moneyed family, wealthy, and without personal experience in how most of us live. GW's cowboy act is mostly just that - an act. I don't understand why more people haven't seen through that.

In sum, right, I do believe the Bushes have not a clue as to how most of us live. - Official: E. Coli bacteria detected in floodwater - Official: E. Coli bacteria detected in floodwater - Sep 6, 2005

Well - DUH!

How could there not be? Those floodwaters are the worst kind of running sewer right now.

For that reason alone, the complete evacuation of the city is necessary. I'm fascinated by the denial of the stragglers who refuse to leave. One guy refused rescue because he was afraid of losing his livelihood. Look around, man, where are your customers? What condition is your business here?

All of the above said, if it is at all possible, I am still more angry at our government. An NPR reporter tipped off the government as to people staying at the Convention Center? Only to be brushed off, at first, as spreading rumors?

Also, it is WRONG for Bush to head the commission investigating this governmental disaster. So obviously wrong. A more appropriate individual should be chosen.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Michael Moore's Letter to George W. Bush re Hurricane Katrina

Welcome to!

Obviously you can tell that Moore's letter is not going to be all love and kisses.

One of the best points in this letter is this about racism, as he addresses Bush:

It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!
It's painful for me to say this, especially in this day and age, but "Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days?" Admit it, Moore's right - it ain't gonna happen!

A national disgrace - Scarborough Country - [Joe blogs from Biloxi]

A national disgrace - Scarborough Country -

And, from a guy not known for being a left-winger. Joe blogs from Biloxi, MS.

(See, I do venture beyond CNN.) - Mayor to feds: 'Get off your asses' - Mayor to feds: 'Get off your asses' - Sep 2, 2005

Transcript of interesting radio interview (from Sept. 1) with NO mayor. - The big disconnect on New Orleans - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Sep 2, 2005

The official version vs eyewitness version as to what's been happening in NO.

New Orleans Doctors Plead for Help (also, about our media)

New Orleans Doctors Plead for Help - Yahoo! News

Why has this New Orleans hospital been forgotten?

Why do they have to turn, in their desperation, to the AP for help, because their government won't help them?

An aside: someone has made the interesting observation that CNN and various other news outlets have had a huge number of people on the ground in this area, right from the start. I've been witness to that, as I am sure are you.

It appears that our media works much better in a disaster than does our government, doesn't it? Food for thought there.

Federal government wasn't ready for Katrina, disaster experts say

Federal government wasn't ready for Katrina, disaster experts say - Yahoo! News

No kidding!

And why not?

Also, it's been noted that if our government can't handle a disaster they knew about days ahead of time and of a nature they were familiar with, consider how well they might handle a sudden terror attack.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes

New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes - Yahoo! News

The Feds have fallen down on the job. Why weren't the National Guard, as well as the rescue and relief forces ready and in place last weekend?!

I am very angry at these criminals (yes!) running amok in NO - and I am really angry at our government for allowing it to happen.

What the bleep is our National Guard doing in Iraq, anyway?! We're all too quick to send them over there to "help" the Iraqis, but when they're needed here, desperately needed here, for our own people - too little, too late.

Friday, August 26, 2005

New exhibit at London Zoo - humans

New exhibit at London Zoo - humans - Yahoo! News

(This blog not only roams beyond California, but, check this out: London.)

Good idea having the human animal along with the other creatures at the zoo. Check out the photo in this article of the humans in their zoo enclosure.

Skinny Firefighter Slithers to the Rescue

Skinny Firefighter Slithers to the Rescue - Yahoo! News

Firefighters - my heroes!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

SCE - Rotating Outages Information (SoCal Edison)

SCE - Rotating Outages Information

What the hey. This caught me offguard!

Didn't affect me, as my neighborhood had our turn last time.

Yes, it's too bleeping hot here today! Hurry, Fall, hurry!

Today's Outlook - The California ISO

Today's Outlook - The California ISO

Whoa - rolling blackouts this afternoon!

California sues 39 drug makers for inflated prices

California sues 39 drug makers for inflated prices - Yahoo! News


Now, let's fix the rest of our health care system...

Killer whales learn to gull a gull

Killer whales learn to gull a gull - Yahoo! News

Yet another example of how clever whales can be.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Nonprofits Cloak Donors to Governor

Nonprofits Cloak Donors to Governor - Yahoo! News

Yet another story about Arnold's fund-raising and his special interests.

[Former CA Governor] "Gray Davis in a loincloth" is what he's been called.

Why did we ever have that (embarrassing) special election? What did it prove? Was it worth the time, trouble and $$? I think not. We're not any better off. - Robertson apologizes - Aug 24, 2005 - Robertson apologizes - Aug 24, 2005


To me "take him out" means "kill him." Isn't that the general definition?

I'm all for "Freedom of Speech", of course (note that I practice it a lot). But should a person - a famous person yet - be saying things which could endanger all America?

Robertson is long overdue for learning to put his brain in gear before opening his mouth. - Poll Shows Bush Approval Ratings Sink to Lowest Point in Presidency - Poll Shows Bush Approval Ratings Sink to Lowest Point in Presidency

Other interesting poll info here in this WSJ feature, as well.

Note that Americans in general are dissatisfied with both the executive and the legislative branches of the Federal government, much as we Californios are dissatisfied with both our executive and legislative branches in Sacramento.

2006 Elections!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 Maps/Block View - Amazon's Answer to Google Earth, it seems - but very cool. Maps

Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose are among the many interesting cities featured.

The Blockview feature is viewing a chosen block just as you would if you were walking or driving down the street.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Asians, Americans Show Perceptual Divide

Asians, Americans Show Perceptual Divide - Yahoo! News

Interesting and important how Asians and Americans quite literally view the world differently.

As for Asian-Americans? According to this article they fall in the middle between the two perspectives.

Folk Singer Supports Anti-War Protesters

Folk Singer Supports Anti-War Protesters - Yahoo! News

Remember the comparisons of these times to the Vietnam War era? Further confirmation: Joan Baez has showed up and started singing.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

GOP Senator Says Iraq Looking Like Vietnam

GOP Senator Says Iraq Looking Like Vietnam - Yahoo! News


I remember the Vietnam era well. About the only thing that's missing today are all the kids yelling "Hell no, I won't go!"

The Safety Net She Believed In Was Pulled Away When She Fell

The Safety Net She Believed In Was Pulled Away When She Fell - Yahoo! News

Already ticked by our health care system, I read this article over my breakfast (it's on the front page of today's LA Times), and I got even way more ticked.

Time to do something - I've been looking into Props 78 (no) and 79 (yes). And, it sounds like it may be time for some new graphics for my store(s)...

California Secretary of State - Elections & Voter Information - Voter Information Guide

California Secretary of State - Elections & Voter Information - Voter Information Guide

Want to know more about the Propositions coming up for a vote in the Special Election on Nov. 8th? Don't wait - and whatever you do don't pay attention to those stupid TV commercials (you know you can't get good, solid information from them, whatever the subject) that are already on our TVs.

This Web Page is a draft copy of the Voters Guide we registered voters get in our mail.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bush invokes Sept 11 to defend Iraq war

Bush invokes Sept 11 to defend Iraq war - Yahoo! News

Oh, not AGAIN.

And, please note that it is now generally recognized that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

Bush has got to fix that broken record of his in regard to his Iraq War: 9/11, 9/11, 9/11....

Hey, What's That Sound? - New York Times

Hey, What's That Sound? - New York Times

Maureen Dowd on what Henry Kissinger had to say about Iraq:

"He said Mr. Bush had only a few things to accomplish: train a real Iraqi Army that includes all religious and ethnic groups, make the Shiites stop hating the Sunnis and the Kurds stop hating everyone, and keep the Iranians from creating a theocratic dictatorship in Iraq. Oh, yeah, and a couple of other teensy little things: our troops have to defeat the vicious Iraq insurgency, and Mr. Bush needs to keep domestic support for the war."

This sounds pretty much like the definition of impossible to me.

I am so reminded of the Vietnam War years, even down to hearing the exact same words used once again: exit strategy, troop withdrawals, quagmire...

Note that the column title comes from an anti-war song of the Vietnam era. "Everybody look what's goin' 'round..." would be the next line, as I recall.

"When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?" The answer, my friend is "Blowing in the Wind", from yet another anti-war song, and pretty much summing up all of this.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Fugitive alligator becomes local folk hero

Fugitive alligator becomes local folk hero - Yahoo! News

Told ya.

Gator remains free (although very gawked at) as I write.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

NBC 4 - News - Firefighter, Ranger Horse Teams To Patrol Fire Danger Zones

NBC 4 - News - Firefighter, Ranger Horse Teams To Patrol Fire Danger Zones

Firemen Cowboys?

Or, to be more politically correct, firefighter cowpeople?

Either way - cool - and makes plenty of sense with the terrain we've got around here.

NBC 4 - News - Gator Eludes Reptile Wrangler In Machado Lake

NBC 4 - News - Gator Eludes Reptile Wrangler In Machado Lake

We've a curious ongoing gator, as well as gator wrangler, story here...

You know there are frequently interesting animals loose around here (including the human kind): tigers, mountain lions, bears... Now an alligator which is defying capture.

Monday, August 15, 2005 - A mother and the president (Re the Iraq War) - A mother and the president - Aug 15, 2005

From the article:

"In 1965 a group of just 25 antiwar protesters demonstrated outside President Lyndon Johnson's Texas ranch. Within a few years, the handful had turned into a movement."


I'm considering attending one of Wednesday's 7:30 candlelight vigils in my neighborhood in support of Cindy Sheehan, other military families, and our troops in Iraq (and Afghanistan!).

Experimental Hybrid Cars Get Up to 250 Mpg

Experimental Hybrid Cars Get Up to 250 Mpg - Yahoo! News

Good news.

Yes, we've got to get away from our reliance on petroleum. What's taking us so long!? Okay, big oil, Detroit...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Poll: Many Fear Financial Hit of Gas Prices

Poll: Many Fear Financial Hit of Gas Prices - Yahoo! News

Tell me about it. Unless you're wealthy this is going to hit home. I hope it doesn't do harm to the general economy.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Discovery Lands Safely in California

Discovery Lands Safely in California - Yahoo! News


Also, what a relief!

As for the California part of the headline up there, that's cool, but the real story here is that this Discovery mission is safely and successfully over.

I was awake and watched the landing on TV. I could have run to my balcony to watch the Shuttle fly through the night sky to land at Edwards (I know where to look from past Edwards' missile launchings), but, out of thoughtfulness to my family's sleep, I
restrained myself.)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Human Space Flight (HSF) - Orbital Tracking - Track the Shuttle's Flight Real-Time

Human Space Flight (HSF) - Orbital Tracking

Watch real-time representations of the Space Station and the Shuttle as they orbit the Earth.

This is rather cool.

So, will the Shuttle land in FLA? or - I hope! - in CA? (We can hear the Shuttle landing at Edwards as it flies overhead making its distinctive Ba-BOOM! sonic boom which hits and bounces off our roofs. Cool - and I'd love to hear it again today.)

The main thing, of course, is for the Shuttle to land - safely!

All Eyes on Home Market in San Diego

All Eyes on Home Market in San Diego - Yahoo! News

About that possible housing bubble. Will it? Wouldn't it? When?

(I rent, but I'd love to see housing costs in general go down around here in SoCal!)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Calif. Drug Proposals Spark Huge Campaigns

Calif. Drug Proposals Spark Huge Campaigns - Yahoo! News

Watching this with intense interest. Time for a closer look at that Prop #79. It would be wonderful - not too strong of a word - for me and many others if such a thing were to come to pass.

Maybe I'll make a T-shirt for it...? Buttons? Etc.

Hot, Humid Summer Days Tough on Asthmatics

Hot, Humid Summer Days Tough on Asthmatics - Yahoo! News

Tell me about it! (Cough, cough, rub my eye...)

I want clean air!

U.S. border volunteers on the rise, clashes feared

U.S. border volunteers on the rise, clashes feared - Yahoo! News

Definitely a hot issue around here.

Bottom line: these border and illegal immigration issues need to be resolved, and before there is violence.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops

Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops - Yahoo! News

Good news. I'll be glad to see our troops coming safely back home out of harm's way.

Friday, July 22, 2005



The in-some-ways unpatriotic Patriot Act?

I respect William Buckley, but we don't usually share the same political viewpoints.

In this case, the Patriot Act, we appear to. Good article here.

Today's Outlook - The California ISO - It's Hotter Than H*** Here! Power Alerts

Today's Outlook - The California ISO

This link will let you know what the CalISO is up to, what the status of our electrical power is.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Teen driver death rates - California is better than average - Teen driver death rates - Jul 21, 2005

First off, far too many teens (and others) die on the road.

But, it's good to hear that CA is doing better with this than the national average.
We're tied with North Dakota and Minnesota.

Curiously, these rates seem to fit in with that blue state-red state thing - with the blue states tending to be safer.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

$$ Cost of Iraq War to Orange County, CA

Cost of War

Over $2B and counting! Is it worth it to you?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - Survey: 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq war & Other Disturbing Iraq War statistics - Survey: 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq war - Jul 19, 2005

And 42,500 Iraqi civilian injuries.

With almost 14,000 injured.

Our troop (all the coalition) casualties: almost 2,000

Over 500 of the U.S. troops killed were under the age of 22. (Those under 22 clearly the largest age group of the fallen.)

Over 13,000 U.S. troops have been injured.

The Army's been clearly leading the rest of the U.S. armed forces in deaths and injuries.

California leads the U.S. nation in Iraqi casualties.

So, your average soldier on our side would be from California, under 22, and in the Army.

What a waste.


Disneyland's 50th Anniversary

Disneyland Resort's 50th Anniversary Celebration - The Happiest Homecoming On Earth

What would Southern California blog be without mention of this?

Personally, the nightly summer fireworks at Disneyland have been taking twice as long this year, at least. (Boom Boom Boom What time is it? Must be around 9:30 pm - Disneyland's fireworks time.)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Native Lore Adds Clues to Ancient U.S. Catastrophes

Native Lore Adds Clues to Ancient U.S. Catastrophes - Yahoo! News

Native American lore may be about actual tsunamis and earthquakes along the West Coast.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

iSerenity - Roaring Ocean

iSerenity - Roaring Ocean

A great California sound! Enjoy the ocean photos as well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Calif. Election Cycle Burns Out Voters

Calif. Election Cycle Burns Out Voters - Yahoo! News


And, can't we do something better with all that money, considering our budget woes?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

U.S. Raises Alert to Orange for Transit

U.S. Raises Alert to Orange for Transit - Yahoo! News

Yes, and we have mass transit here, too - 'though not nearly enough.

My heart goes out to those in England today. Damned Al Qaeda and their killing of innocents...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

L.A.'s first modern Latino mayor takes office - Antonio Villaraigosa

L.A.'s first modern Latino mayor takes office - Yahoo! News

He seems a good guy to me, and nearly winning the mayoral race previously.

I think L. A. will be better off for his election. Among other good qualities, he knows what it's like to live in and to work your way up and out of a poor neighborhood in this city.

(Nice-looking guy, too... ; )

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bush: Bloodshed in Iraq Is 'Worth It' [?]

Bush: Bloodshed in Iraq Is 'Worth It' - Yahoo! News

Is it really?

Bush to give speech about Iraq tonight.

Note, also, that in this article mention is made that more troops from California have been killed than from any other state.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Gov. Arnold to Appear on Leno tonight

Yes, Gov. Arnold Schwartenegger will be Jay Leno's guest on The Tonight Show tonight.

I'll be watching.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

House Won't Cut Public Broadcasting Funds! Hurray.

House Won't Cut Public Broadcasting Funds - Yahoo! News

Sesame Street is still safe.

Jeez, when you can't afford cable, what else is there to watch but PBS?

(Okay, okay, a few things, but not enough.)

Wildfires in SoCal - News Update

Up to 9 Homes Burn; More Threatened

I wish these people well! Also our firefighters. (They do deserve their pensions, don't they?)

Public Broadcasters Face 'the Fight of Our Lives'

Public Broadcasters Face 'the Fight of Our Lives'

Save PBS and NPR!

KCET and KOCE and...

Coastal Commission Upheld in California - Hurray!

Coastal Commission Upheld in California

The beautiful coast of California protected and preserved for the People of California (and other Americans and tourists, too, of course.)

Safeguarding one of our most precious assets.

Wildfires Burn in California, Arizona - from the Red Cross

Wildfires Burn in California, Arizona

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Schwarzenegger Approval Ratings Sliding

Schwarzenegger Approval Ratings Sliding - Yahoo! News

And it's looking as if I'm certainly not the only one opposed to this special election.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Unsure of reality due to his after-surgery daze Steve Lopez tries to make sense of this week in SoCal

Valium Leads to Altered State

One of my favorite TIMES columnists - Steve Lopez - does an excellent job of describing this week in SoCal.

It does make one's head spin (or is that just another earthquake?)

Friday, June 17, 2005

A Wiki for Your Thoughts - Los Angeles Times Editorial Page

A Wiki for Your Thoughts

The Los Angeles Times is joining the Wiki revolution. Check it out - edit the newspaper's editorials if you think you know better.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

4.9-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southland

NBC 4 - News - 4.9-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southland

An update. Magnitude downgraded. A few injuries reported, after all. Rocks in the roads, possible phone outage within Riverside County.

PS: There were not two earthquakes today! This is about one earthquake which was then downgraded magnitude-wise. Sorry.

5.3-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southland

NBC 4 - News - 5.3-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southland

I'm glad that everyone seems to be okay. But, I'm disappointed - I never felt a thing!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Calif. Quake Prompts Brief Tsunami Warning [and some residents left unaware and confused!]

Calif. Quake Prompts Brief Tsunami Warning - Yahoo! News

Oddly enough - in spite of living in a CA beach town! - I didn't know about the tsunami warning until it was almost called off. I was just about to phone my son's cell to let him know about it.

Turns out my son was at the beach and couldn't figure out why so many places were shut down.

Sounds like some of our beach cities could do a better of a job of notifying residents about tsunami warnings.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Re the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor in the U.S.

Rich-poor gap gaining attention - Yahoo! News

"The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself." So says Alan Greenspan even.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Schwarzenegger to Call for Special Vote [Darn it!]

Schwarzenegger to Call for Special Vote - Yahoo! News

As this article says, a majority of California voters do not want this special election, and include me in on that.

Arnold claims he's trying to save California money, so why hold a $45+ million election that's not needed?

Keep in mind that this will be the second special election we've had in the past few years.

You know, this could backfire on Arnold. Voters may be as fed up with him, and his proposals, as we are with the state of this state and our state legislators.

Michael Jackson Acquitted of All Charges

Michael Jackson Acquitted of All Charges - Yahoo! News

Frankly, I'm somewhat surprised as I believed Jackson was neither 100% guilty nor 100% innocent of all 10 counts.

I do hope that Jackson's learned to keep young boys out of his bed, though... (and what were all those parents thinking?!)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

U.S. Toll in Iraq Pushes Past 1,700

U.S. Toll in Iraq Pushes Past 1,700 - Yahoo! News

The title says it all...

Today's Anza Quake Stats

Event 14151344 Map

I like this USGS stuff. I've filled out these "Did You Feel It?"s before. So we were 100+ miles away and I rated the quake as "II - Weak". The average in my zip was "III - Weak." My family in Corona had "IV - Light"

Here's the form link with the criteria for rating quake experiences.

We experienced the Northridege, Whittier Narrows, and the Big Bear/Landers quakes on a scale of "V and VI - Moderate and Strong"

Those quakes made things fall over and broke things, made cracks in our house and patio, and knocked out the electricity. Now, these were scary quakes!

Your friend, the Quake Wonk/Nerd

Moderate Quake Rattles S. California

Moderate Quake Rattles S. California - Yahoo! News

Jeez, I almost forgot, that's how used to quakes I've become...

Yep, this one woke me up. Rattled my windows and binds. But, no big deal, I fell back to sleep... My son never woke up.

Although, we're on the coast, this quake was all the way out in the desert.

More babies, young kids going hungry in US

More babies, young kids going hungry in US - Yahoo! News

While at the same time, 2/3 of the US population is either overweight or obese.

Food for thought.

Friday, June 10, 2005

A Moveable Beach - Another TIMES editorial - about a perpetual war over the beach

A Moveable Beach

It keeps going on in Malibu, the celebrities defending their beach property, while California law rules that beaches are public.

The California Public vs. Hollywood

The Anger Initiative - L.A. Times editorial about our governor

The Anger Initiative

Very interesting. Sums up much of the trouble with Arnold lately.

If you don't read anything else, read that concluding paragraph.

A Teacher Dreads This Badge of Courage [Homeless in Laguna]

A Teacher Dreads This Badge of Courage

"As soon as you reach Bluebird Canyon, there's a tranquillity there," [the teacher] says. "It isn't something you feel everywhere. You can feel the peacefulness. That's what's so ironic. This peacefulness and such destruction."

Often true in California...