Friday, May 19, 2006

"Spanglish" California mocks Senate English push

"Spanglish" California mocks Senate English push - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

Says who?

"...Californians wondered on Friday what all the fuss was about.
Most immigrants embrace English, and Spanish exists happily alongside."
To put it politely - horse hockey.

This is not true of the Californians that I know - and you'll note that I live in California. I even know Latinos who don't agree with this.

Yes, the Spanish language is integral to the geography and history of California. Fine. I even like Spanish - and can hablo y comprendo un poquito, thanks to three years of high school Spanish study - in Illinois!

(Es muy interesante reading those Spanish protest signs and listening to Spanish newscasts these days...)

But none of that negates the fact that English has always been commonly understood as our national language.

These reporters need to interview more people who are not from Mexico - yes, there still are some of us around here...

This whole thing is tiresome - let's get this mess settled already, get the legislation through, then enforced, done.

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