Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rotation Of The Earth Plunges Entire North American Continent Into Darkness | The Onion

Rotation Of The Earth Plunges Entire North American Continent Into Darkness The Onion - America's Finest News Source

OMG!! It's the End of the World. Armageddon (sp?). The End Times! OMG, OMG. !!!!!

I couldn't resist the ONION article. Ever get the feeling that the news media makes a point of making life scary, anxiety-filled, and dangerous?

Listen to the tone of TV news announcers - no, not the actual newscasters - the announcers. The guys who are trying to sell you on the idea of watching their news during the commercial breaks.

For example, listen for this on CNN. Tense, anxious, hushed, dramatic...

(When it's not doing it's Voice of God thing, brought to us by the big-voiced James Earl Jones. {{{"This is CNN..."}}} Where's the lightning bolts and thunder?)

CNN also has what I call their "scary water music" - used for the Asian tsunami, used for hurricanes.

Note also that CNN also has their regular "Security Alert"s. Do we really need such a thing? Guess they'd like to think we do - or think we should. So we'll watch them. Of course.

NO, it's not just CNN. It's all over the TV news, national and local. If we're too mellow we simply won't watch them as much.

PS: I actually like CNN and watch it regularly (how else would I know this stuff?). Miss Aaron Brown, what was the deal with that?! Okay, Anderson Cooper is a good guy/journalist and reporter, but why not have both of them? I digress. Yes, the sun will come up tomorrow.

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