Friday, September 30, 2005

Forecast - South Coast Air Quality Management District [Smoke Gets in Your Eyes in SoCal]


Okay, I'm a weather and air-quality geek.

These are ugly numbers here. Much higher than average. (I feel the AQI whenever it's over 50.)

This confirms what I just blogged.

AIRNow - Air Quality Conditions & Forecasts - Los Angeles and Orange Co. Coastal, CA

AIRNow - Air Quality Conditions & Forecasts - Los Angeles and Orange Co. Coastal, CA

Oh, crap!

Look at that particles pollution. Well, the weathermen last night did say all of the LA area's air quality would be affected by these fires, with their resulting ash and smoke.

This likely won't get too noticeable for this old asthmatic until mid-afternoon. God bless Advair and Proventil. And, maybe I won't feel too guilty if I feel the need for a lie-down, if breathing and fatigue become a problem, as it was a bit yesterday.

No AC here, BTW. Expected not to be needed here by the ocean - but, actually, we really do need it nowadays.

Fire Is Still Out of Control; Most Homes Spared So Far - Los Angeles Times

Fire Is Still Out of Control; Most Homes Spared So Far - Los Angeles Times

We have wonderful firefighters around here!

Yes, local KCAL-TV is not longer The Fire Channel it was yesterday.

Accounts of N.Orleans violence questioned

Accounts of N.Orleans violence questioned - Yahoo! News

So maybe things weren't quite as bad at the NO Convention Center and the Superdome as we thought?

Curious. Good news, of course, if it's true. Seems there might have been some exaggerating going on.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Flames Drive Southland Residents From Homes - Los Angeles Times

Flames Drive Southland Residents From Homes - Los Angeles Times

Good news source for LA fires.

Jeez, if the Topanga fire jumps the 101 it might head into Malibu.

PS: Hubby says he could see the smoke from the fires as he drove down the 405 from Costa Mesa.

Raging brush fire threatens Los Angeles area homes

Raging brush fire threatens Los Angeles area homes - Yahoo! News

Up in the Valley. Those folks have my sympathy.

It's those Devil Winds - the Santa Anas. They've been bad the past couple of days. This is the most common time of the year for them, coming at the same time that we're the driest. Yes, it's Fire Season.

Note that I'm finding it ironic that our heroic firefighters are displaying just how wonderful they are at the very same time Arnold wants to pass a Proposition against them. And how much of chance will this anti-firefighters Prop have at November's election? I'm guessing, not a chance in hell.

Recipe for perfect sandcastle

Recipe for perfect sandcastle - Yahoo! News

Okay, on the coast - any coast - this matters. Sorta.

For sandcastles ----> 8 parts sand to 1 part water.

Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force: poll

Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force: poll - Yahoo! News

Democracy is not something which can be forced upon people - it's more an idea. An idea which people may - or may not - wish for their government. For some - perhaps the Iraqis -it may not even be possible.

I'm wondering if government by the people, for the people, in the Middle East turns out to be mostly religious groups fighting against other religious groups?

Isn't monarchy and theocracy popular in the Middle East? Or at least, accepted? And functional?

In sum, they're not like us. What works for us may not work for them.

Besides, I doubt if the spread of democracy was Bush's original intention for invading Iraq. Since he couldn't pin down either 9/11 or WMDs as an excuse, now spreading democracy is the best excuse he can come up with for our troops being there.

(If Bush were really serious about spreading democracy, what about Cuba, just off our border? Not that I'm suggesting he do anything about Cuba, but see my point?)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

FEMA's Brown Was Warned Early of Shortages [More FEMA horror stories]

FEMA's Brown Was Warned Early of Shortages - Yahoo! News

Please, one way or the other, let's get FEMA fixed and functional! ASAP.

FEMA Under Fire Again for Rita Effort

FEMA Under Fire Again for Rita Effort - Yahoo! News

From the article:

"But the agency was not ready for the roughly 1,500 people displaced by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina who sought help at the Houston center when it reopened Wednesday."

Well, DUH... This is exactly what people are going to do ASAP.

The saddest part about this is that people are standing in hours-long lines in the extreme heat. (This has potential to be a disaster in itself...)

Results from the Beliefnet survey asking, 'What's God's role in natural disasters?' --

Results from the Beliefnet survey asking, 'What's God's role in natural disasters?' --

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Pat Oliphant [Bush & the Gulf Coast]

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Pat Oliphant on Yahoo! News

I've loved Oliphant since I was a kid (about a million years ago).

Note that Oliphant always shows GWB as a little boy.

Monday, September 26, 2005 - How many more Mike Browns are out there? - How many more Mike Browns are out there? - Sep 26, 2005


Is Michael Brown, the disgraced and unqualified recent head of FEMA, only the tip of the iceberg?

Cronyism run amok?

How much of our government is run by social bonds instead of by qualification?!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

At ABBA, Go Left to SpongeBob [naming on Mars, as well as back to the Rovers]

At ABBA, Go Left to SpongeBob - Yahoo! News

I wrote so much about the intrepid and inexhaustible Martian Rovers last year, here's something new.

(Gee, I wonder what on Mars is named after our square yellow Spongebob?)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Poll: Storm Changed Americans' Attitudes

Poll: Storm Changed Americans' Attitudes - Yahoo! News

I totally believe this.

I think we'll have profound change for years, perhaps decades. Some of the change will be for the better - as with 9/11, we Americans will grow up some more. We'll be more spiritual, have better priorities and values, be less materialistic, perhaps better at loving our neighbor.

We've learned some things about poverty and about race. Frankly, my guess is that many Americans have never seen so many ordinary, everyday African-American people -families - in one week than they've seen maybe ever? And that poverty spans races and that so many of the poor are children, family, the disabled, the sick, the elderly.

We've learned that FEMA/Homeland Security doesn't work. Maybe it's better now, but it failed Katrina. We've learned that a president can actually put a friend of a friend and a very unqualified individual in charge of managing our country's emergencies. That's scary. So much for our feelings of safety and trust. I think government generally - at all levels - has taken a hit from its handling of Katrina.

Along those lines, we've learned the value of being self-sufficient, as in having our disaster preparation and plans in order ahead of time. We know we have to take care of ourselves - and our neighbors.

(This Democrat is surprised to hear me saying these things.)

The probable change for the worse could include an even bigger divide between the haves and havenots. There will be many more havenots. Our economy is likely to worsen. All but the wealthy will be doing some belt-tightening, if we aren't already.

And, I think all of the above will make even more Americans think we should stop wasting lives and money on Iraq. I think more people will feel we have far too many of our own problems, and our own people, to tend to now.

How about looking into this hurricane thing? Why? Can we do anything about it? How? And what about global warming?

That's just a start in regard to changing American attitudes.

Please forgive so much rambling, especially from someone on the other end of the country. These are strange times.

Houston Residents Struggle to Get Inland

Houston Residents Struggle to Get Inland - Yahoo! News

Interesting how Texans have learned from LA and MS Katrina mistakes, evacuating hospitals and nursing homes early, providing buses and other transportation for the "car-less", etc.

But, how to handle the traffic of a mass exodus of a major city is not working so well right now. Not good to be sitting in a traffic jam so long you run out of gas, in the meantime a hurricane is approaching.

Forgive the strange dark thought, but - given enough hurricanes, we just may get this disaster thing right some day?

Public pressure mounts for Bush to curtail Iraq war after Katrina disaster - Yahoo! Canada

Interesting take from another angle - Canada. - Rita Projected Paths & Satellite Views - Map Navigator - Projected Path

As I write, traffic jams and people running out of gas, literally, are a problem in Texas. Also, Rita has taken a slight turn toward the right, or east.

An aside: I sure am glad that Jet Blue plane landed safely at LAX. Glad for the people involved, and glad for me, as there is just too much disaster news lately. It leaves one with a near Armageddon feeling. No doubt I'm not alone in this sentiment. So, the happy outcome at LAX was especially refreshing and uplifting.

Related aside to the aside: There are times when one can watch too much CNN and read too much news. Now is one of those times.

Aside #3 - Apology for having asides that are longer than my message!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rita Swirls Into 165-Mph Monster in Gulf

Good God.

I think CNN's Aaron Brown said it best recently: "When will hurricane season be over?"

My thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out to all the people along the Gulf Coast.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Surfline Photo Gallery - Southern California/Lightning over HB pier

Surfline Photo Gallery - Southern California/Lightning over HB pier

Wow - great photo. Check it out.

See, told ya we've been having weather here.

In Huntington Beach, storms from a hurricane! Check it out.

Surfline | Golden West, HB

What the bleep is the US coming to?

We've been having rip-roarin' thunderstorms here in OC, thunderboomers nearly Midwest-like.

For one thing, why is it even raining? Now is not the rainy season, and it hasn't rained in months.

The media says this odd stormy weather is from Hurricane (Typhoon?) Max, west of Mexico.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq, Katrina, budget

Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq, Katrina, budget - Yahoo! News

You go, Bill.

For all his shortcomings, during his presidency we achieved a budget surplus and FEMA worked.

Gee, I miss having an intelligent, competent, and articulate president...

The bucks start here: Bush's plan raises questions

The bucks start here: Bush's plan raises questions - Yahoo! News

I'm all for a generous amount of money being available for restoring the Gulf Coast. Recovery costs big bucks.

But... How?

= Former President Clinton has called for a rolling back of those recent Bush tax cuts. Could be a good idea.

= A really good way to get some money is to get out of the war in Iraq.

= Likely some new taxes as well as some cuts in governmental spending. "Tax" is really not a swear word. Best avoided, but under the right circumstances, not such a bad thing! IMHO. Our wealthy are not taxed nearly enough, anyway.

= Let's please not increase our national budget deficit. It's already the largest it's ever been. I might argue that "deficit" is a swear word. We're on the way to maxing out Uncle Sam's credit cards.

= A really good way to get some money is to get out of the war in Iraq. Yes, I said that before, but it's well worth repeating.

Now, let's hope and pray that the impending Hurricane Rita doesn't add to the Gulf Coast disaster...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Increase in Major Hurricanes Linked to Warmer Seas

Increase in Major Hurricanes Linked to Warmer Seas - Yahoo! News

And we all know why the seas are warmer...

Note that we are already up to the letter "O" in the hurricane names.

Newport's War on Sea Lions - Los Angeles Times

Newport's War on Sea Lions - Los Angeles Times

California animals in the news again. (BTW, Little Reggie the gator was caught. I believe Reggie, the first gator, is still on the lamb.)

I'm on the side of the sea lions, frankly. Like I'm going to feel sorry for a bunch of fat cats with boats in Newport Harbor...

I've had the pleasure of meeting up with these sea lions in question as I passed by a buoy piled up and dripping with them. Yes, they certainly are right at home in this harbor. Or, at least, they think they are!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Major [California] Quake Could Be Worse Than Katrina

Major Quake Could Be Worse Than Katrina - Yahoo! News

This is nothing new for Californians - more a reminder.

Talking about our impending major quakes: A good idea. Maybe this will kick some butts in the CA government toward getting going with finishing that retrofitting, and quake prep in general.

Again, how's your quake prep?

Back to that Orange County Terrorist...

See my previous post.

It's somehow ironic and even surreal that this Al Qaeda dude was from Garden Grove - the home of Robert Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral.

Also, Garden Grove is next-door to Anaheim - home of Disneyland, the Anaheim (er, Los Angeles) Angels, the Mighty Ducks with their Duck Pond.

Our local airport is named after John Wayne and features a bronze statue of him in cowboy-mode. Best-selling Christian Rick Warren is down the road.

And this is a breeding ground for Al Qaeda terrorists, who talk about making our blood run and slitting our throats? Guess so!

(So, what are we doing in Iraq...?)

My head spins.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

New tape threatens attacks on L.A., Melbourne (Spokesman from Orange County!)

New tape threatens attacks on L.A., Melbourne - Yahoo! News

Note that this is the second time this Al Qaeda terrorist has felt the need to threaten his fellow Americans.

Why are we fighting in Iraq when the Al Qaeda is right here at home?

I wonder where in Orange County this traitor's from? He is not a good neighbor!


Pissed from Orange County

Friday, September 09, 2005

Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000

Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000 - Yahoo! News


Good news, also, that we may be having a new and improved FEMA head soon.

Thursday, September 08, 2005 - FBI: Hurricane relief Internet scams proliferate - FBI: Hurricane relief Internet scams proliferate - Sep 8, 2005

Jeez, the scumbags!

Must be the same people who fill my Yahoo "Bulk Folder" with their phishing and their Nigerian what-its and whatevers. I look at the headers only long enough to note that they're trash, then treat them accordingly, as I'm sure you do, too.

I thought it was interesting how I had to submit a long and legal agreement to the Red Cross in order to be able to use one of their Web banners. I concluded it was the donation aspect - the money aspect - that caused the Red Cross to be so careful. I can appreciate that.

Anyway, please do be careful to whom you donate. It is so easy to set up a website and Photoshop anything into whatever (remember, I have a graphic-design business, I know), that it is so easy to be fooled. Have you received any phishing yet, fake PayPal, eBay, or Yahoo E-Mails? They look very, very real, even to this graphic professional. I almost got fooled by one. Helps to check the "full headers" to see where they're really from. It also helps to go directly to eBay, PayPal, etc. to do business with them. Go directly to their sites instead; don't click that supposed link to their site in that questionable E-Mail. OIOW, when in doubt about a phony or a phish, just go directly to the eBay, or PayPal, or Yahoo, etc. websites to see what they want.

Also, I recommend sticking with the trusted charities you've long known, such as the Red Cross. Charities which already have a good reputation and a long record of good deeds.

Second Gator Gives Wranglers Slip - Los Angeles Times

Second Gator Gives Wranglers Slip - Los Angeles Times

Some lighter news after the apocalypse foreseen of the last post!

So Reggie the Gator, who stills remains at large in spite of all kinds of experts trying to catch him, has been joined by "Little Reggie."

This is California, right? The Alligator(s) saga continues...

California Earthquake Could Be the Next Katrina - Los Angeles Times

California Earthquake Could Be the Next Katrina - Los Angeles Times

Spooky - consider this. The following is almost like the devil's to-do list. As discussed in this article, FEMA forecast in August 2001 [note the date!] the three most likely catastrophes to strike the US, in order of likelihood:

(1) terrorist attack in NYC [DONE - almost immediately]
(2) major hurricane striking New Orleans [DONE]
(3) major earthquake on the San Andreas fault

A sobering article for Californians. Although this is something we've always known, just prefer not to think about any more than we have to.

Key for California, IMHO: retrofit structures and be prepared (How's your disaster kit?)

That disaster kit business applies to ALL Americans. Is anywhere immune to disaster? Heck, we've dipped into our disaster supplies during power outages and water-shut downs (the latter far too common in my apartment complex!). The emergency supplies were a godsend.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit

FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit - Yahoo! News

What the heck?!

Reportedly, Brown also didn't know about the people hunkered down in the convention center, either, until the Press convinced him. "Rumors" he called it, I believe.

Ever one to look for the silver lining in anything, the good here is that we know just how stupid and incompetent we are regarding major natural disasters, as well as how stupid and incompetent we'd likely be in the event of a terrorist attack.

The first-responders, and the other folks on the ground, so to speak, have been wonderful - as usual. Their only lack, IMHO, has been a lack of adequate and timely direction from the folks in charge.

There's been a failure of leadership. Of governmental leadership. Of governmental leadership when it's needed most.

Bottom line: Let's fix this, and not have it happen again!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor

Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News

You know, or you may recall, that a big part of the reason Bush Sr. wasn't re-elected to the Presidency was his lack of understanding, with its resulting lack of empathy, for not only the poor, but even for the middle-class. What recession? was his attitude.

Now we've got Mother Bush and what she says in this article, and GW having always displayed his own lack of understanding (of most everything, actually, but I digress...).

The Bushes are an old-moneyed family, wealthy, and without personal experience in how most of us live. GW's cowboy act is mostly just that - an act. I don't understand why more people haven't seen through that.

In sum, right, I do believe the Bushes have not a clue as to how most of us live. - Official: E. Coli bacteria detected in floodwater - Official: E. Coli bacteria detected in floodwater - Sep 6, 2005

Well - DUH!

How could there not be? Those floodwaters are the worst kind of running sewer right now.

For that reason alone, the complete evacuation of the city is necessary. I'm fascinated by the denial of the stragglers who refuse to leave. One guy refused rescue because he was afraid of losing his livelihood. Look around, man, where are your customers? What condition is your business here?

All of the above said, if it is at all possible, I am still more angry at our government. An NPR reporter tipped off the government as to people staying at the Convention Center? Only to be brushed off, at first, as spreading rumors?

Also, it is WRONG for Bush to head the commission investigating this governmental disaster. So obviously wrong. A more appropriate individual should be chosen.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Michael Moore's Letter to George W. Bush re Hurricane Katrina

Welcome to!

Obviously you can tell that Moore's letter is not going to be all love and kisses.

One of the best points in this letter is this about racism, as he addresses Bush:

It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!
It's painful for me to say this, especially in this day and age, but "Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days?" Admit it, Moore's right - it ain't gonna happen!

A national disgrace - Scarborough Country - [Joe blogs from Biloxi]

A national disgrace - Scarborough Country -

And, from a guy not known for being a left-winger. Joe blogs from Biloxi, MS.

(See, I do venture beyond CNN.) - Mayor to feds: 'Get off your asses' - Mayor to feds: 'Get off your asses' - Sep 2, 2005

Transcript of interesting radio interview (from Sept. 1) with NO mayor. - The big disconnect on New Orleans - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Sep 2, 2005

The official version vs eyewitness version as to what's been happening in NO.

New Orleans Doctors Plead for Help (also, about our media)

New Orleans Doctors Plead for Help - Yahoo! News

Why has this New Orleans hospital been forgotten?

Why do they have to turn, in their desperation, to the AP for help, because their government won't help them?

An aside: someone has made the interesting observation that CNN and various other news outlets have had a huge number of people on the ground in this area, right from the start. I've been witness to that, as I am sure are you.

It appears that our media works much better in a disaster than does our government, doesn't it? Food for thought there.

Federal government wasn't ready for Katrina, disaster experts say

Federal government wasn't ready for Katrina, disaster experts say - Yahoo! News

No kidding!

And why not?

Also, it's been noted that if our government can't handle a disaster they knew about days ahead of time and of a nature they were familiar with, consider how well they might handle a sudden terror attack.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes

New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes - Yahoo! News

The Feds have fallen down on the job. Why weren't the National Guard, as well as the rescue and relief forces ready and in place last weekend?!

I am very angry at these criminals (yes!) running amok in NO - and I am really angry at our government for allowing it to happen.

What the bleep is our National Guard doing in Iraq, anyway?! We're all too quick to send them over there to "help" the Iraqis, but when they're needed here, desperately needed here, for our own people - too little, too late.