Friday, October 07, 2005 - Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy complains about money, Iraq tactics - Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy complains about money, Iraq tactics - Oct 7, 2005

In all fairness.

An interesting article. Quoting:

"The lengthy communication was said to detail the strategy of Muslim extremists to push the United States out of Iraq and establish an Islamic state that could expand its form of governance to neighboring countries, Whitman said."

Theocracy wouldn't surprise me one bit, as Iraq appears to be moving in that direction on its own.

There's a big difference between Islamic theocracy and the extremist, militant theocracy of Al Qaeda, however. (Not that either is to be desired, in my American opinion.)

According to al-Zawahiri, the writer of this letter...

"...the suicide bombings of Muslim civilians, may risk alienating the "Muslim masses"..."

Well, duh.

It's good to hear that al-Zawahiri and the Al Qaeda are feeling bummed and blue these days, as well as broke. I wish them more of the same!

Note that extremism and evil loses out, eventually. The rub is the "eventually."

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