Friday, September 08, 2006

Steve Irwin; Stingrays

I was shocked and saddened by Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin's sudden death, as most of us were. Such an alive guy to be dead - almost unbelievable. He will be missed by many - me included. At least he died doing what he loved... Too soon, though!

About the stingrays... We've got stingrays here in California. I've even seen them - little ones that fishermen(persons?) have pulled up onto the local pier (along with baby sharks!).

The local T.V. news pointed out that Seal Beach has been called Ray Beach - because of its many stingrays.

In fact, we Californians, at least us in the South, have to keep stingrays in mind ourselves. As mentioned in the news in relation to Irwin's death, the stingrays can be found in the shallows so it's a good idea to shuffle your feet on the ocean bottom (making a bit of a commotion) so the stingrays will notice you and flee. Both you and the stingrays will be better off.

As mentioned in the news, stingrays are not usually considered dangerous. Most often they'll sting you on the feet or ankles and you'll hurt like heck, but you'll otherwise be all right. Irwin came across a big one which felt cornered and which stung Irwin in his heart (!), of all places. Yes, a freak accident.

BTW, wasn't Irwin planning to come out here to catch the infamous Reggie the alligator...?

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