Saturday, July 29, 2006

California heat wave subsides, ocean air moves in

California heat wave subsides, ocean air moves in - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

I'll verify that - I can feel those ocean breezes blowing in my windows as I write.

Bugging my sinuses to be sure (as usual), but not so hot - thank God.

I actually can even get some work done around here - chores, business (!), and the like.

And, I don't have the need to escape to movie theaters, restaurants, the Mall, the library, Barnes & Noble (that didn't work - everybody else had the same idea, causing a serious lack of seating even on a weekday). Driving around was even an escape from the heat (the car's AC) - a little hard on the gasoline bill, however.

Best escape was the movies at the discount movie theater, God bless 'em!

I know far too much about the movies of the Summer of 2006 (and saw "Da Vinci Code" twice).

I really hope that heat doesn't return - that the rest of the Summer is normal. Truly SoCal has been in something of a survival mode lately. Remember, we folks - even the wealthy - within several miles of the coast don't usually have AC. We don't normally need it.

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