Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Illegal Immigration Issue

There is so much in the Times about this, here's the whole list of recent articles - see above link. (You have to register to read these articles, sorry! You may also locate them from the home page if you'd rather.)

Steve Lopez, the columnist I praised the other day, has a few words today and is in the listing.

Dana Parsons, another excellent columnist whose beat is Orange County only, has another good article here.

Roger Mahoney, the Cardinal of Los Angeles, of all people (he's on my bad side because of the priest pedophilia issue...), puts in his two cents, also. Mahoney says, "Our country stands at a critical point in its history. Our heritage as a nation of immigrants is at stake..... As we have in the past, we should embrace our immigrant roots and recognize that newcomers to our land are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution." I agree! But, Mahoney is equating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. There is a difference. Against the law is against the law, for a start.

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